Chapter 6

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Dinner that night was quiet, Luke didn't really say much during dinner, even when Alex and Reggie tried. Did he somehow know I found the song? Was the guilt eating at him? I wanted to know, but I also didn't want to talk to him right now, worried I may rip his head off. 

After dinner I volunteered to do the dishes, cleaning helps me clear my head sometimes. I was elbow deep in the soapy water when Alex came up beside me, putting the last of the dishes next to the sink. "Did you find out if something was up with Luke?" I asked, taking one of the cups Alex had set down and began washing it. "Yeah, nothing specific, just an off day, feeling down." Alex jumped up and sat down on the counter beside the sink and pile of dishes. 

"What about you? Something seems off with you now too." He kicked his heels against the bottom cabinet, making the door rattle a little with each hit. "I'm fine. I'm great actually, perfect. Nick gave me flowers and now... we're going out after school tomorrow." I said, placing the cup in the dishwasher, picking up another dish, a plate this time, Alex stopped kicking his feet. 

"With Nick?" He leaned towards me, hanging on my answer. "Yeah, with Nick." Alex leaned back again. "Cause he gave you flowers?" I set down the plate into the water. "Is there an echo in here?" Alex huffed a laugh out of his nose at that, kicking his feet a couple more times. "Do you not like Nick?" Alex shrugged and didn't answer immediately. "It's not that I don't like him, he's just..." Alex shrugged a couple times and gestured vaguely. "That really cleared that up, thanks." I laughed, picking the plate back up again. "What I mean is... if he makes you happy, if going out with him makes you happy, then do it. That's all I'm saying. We all just want whatever makes you happy." He hopped off the counter and gave me a hug around the shoulders, he turned to leave. 

"Hey... Alex." I stopped him, wiping my hands on the dishrag in front of me as he stopped. "Could...could I get a real hug?" Wish it didn't come out sounding quite so pathetic, the splash of memories of my mom earlier still kind of hung on me. "Course, Jules." He turned and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I forget how tall Alex is, my head pretty much in the middle of his chest. All of my frustration and sadness and everything from earlier began to bubble up a bit, I tightened my arms around his waist. 

"Julie, are you okay?" Alex didn't let go, he just held onto me. "I'm... today was a lot." I sighed; it came out shakier than I wanted. "Do you want to talk about it?" I thought for a second and pulled out of his hug, Alex released me, I took a couple steps back. "I... I don't want, one of the things bothering me is about Luke and I don't want to put you in a weird spot." Leaning back against the counter now, focusing on the sink next to me, watching the soap bubbles pop. "I can handle Luke. You can talk to me, if you need to." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"He went in my dream box, again." I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him, watching him process the information as his face changed. "That, moron. I'd say I can't believe it but, somehow, I'm not surprised. Sorry Jules." 

"I'm so mad at him. After the last time I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to cross that boundary again." Grinding my teeth together for a second. "It hurts." finally I manage to get out, Alex sighs. "Yeah, I can't imagine. If you want me to talk to him, I can, if you don't then I won't." He offered, leaning against the counter next to me. "Not right now." He nodded, gave me another side hug. "Okay, get me if you ever need me, Jules." He squeezed me one last time and left me to the dishes and my thoughts.

Luke's POV

For the rest of the night after Julie came home with the flowers, I couldn't help but feel down. She thought the flowers were from Nick, can't believe that. How would he even have gotten them into her locker? Stupid. I should've left a note, I should've told her it was me that left those. But she just assumed they were from Nick, and it made my mouth turn sour. Julie was quiet at dinner, she seemed... mad, but I don't know why she would be mad. 

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