Chapter 26 PT 1

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(credit to Conrad417 for letting me use SSS)


The alliance capital was peaceful, which was fairly odd considering the fact that every week there is usually some calamity, whether it be a virus getting into the system or World Toppler. Things were alright.

Though this silence was interrupted by the many intercoms and sirens in the capital going off. The few that could play a message began playing the song many knew as one of peace and victory.

The many hardware heads looked around confused for a moment until another later of audio pierced it, being slightly louder than the rest.

???: Greetings ladies and gentlemen. I am Seth Sonar Speakerman. Or as you may call me SSS. Now let me give a little rundown. I'm from Comboverse, that new universe that joined recently that no one seems to care for. Do you know who else isn't cared for? SPEAKERMEN! ALL OF THEM! We are a backwater race to the higher ups.

SSS paused for a moment.

SSS: Organic Overlord, Overdrive, Overkill, Plungerman, God, whatever fake titles you give the leader, we all know who I am referring to. He's a menace! Not a hero! He threw us to the side as soon as the fridge men showed up because the original Titan Speaker Woman relied on handouts from them! I may have not witnessed it but just know that I am still knowledgeable in this subject. The various Titan Speaker Men from my universe are all considered weak, always having to be saved, always being the distraction. But no more! We are making an example on why we are the strong ones! Armageddon's sirens are coming.

The sirens got louder as a explosion rocked one of the many storage hangars near the center of the capital, from is rose Titan Speaker Toilet Woman, or Boombet.

The sirens got louder as a explosion rocked one of the many storage hangars near the center of the capital, from is rose Titan Speaker Toilet Woman, or Boombet

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Boombet: For a new world.

She aimed her cannons arm into the ground causing multiple explosions, one of these hitting a familiar cameraman eating his lunch at a McDonalds.

Combo was launched back as the building protected him from most the blast. He scanned the area, not quite sure what he was looking for, just something to explain what happened. But nothing came up.

He stared up at Boombet as he adjusted his position, he flew on top of a building as he on reaction extended his tentacles.

Combo: If I can just distract her until the others can show up.....

Combos tentacles glowed blue as they fired multiple small lasers at Boombet, she just looked back confused as she raised her axe arm. She swung into the building taking a large chunk off but she missed Combo, though another blaster shot sent him flying and in the process they destroyed his tentacles.

He tried to get up only to be punched back by a Speakerman. He rolled back and looked at the mysterious attacker.

The Speakerman cracked his knuckles and went to strike Combo again but his head was suddenly cut off by a microphone woman

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The Speakerman cracked his knuckles and went to strike Combo again but his head was suddenly cut off by a microphone woman.

The Speakerman cracked his knuckles and went to strike Combo again but his head was suddenly cut off by a microphone woman

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She looked back to Combo.

???: Get up Combo.

Combo got up fine and brushed himself off then looked confused.

???: Oh right how I know. I know Y/N and he mentioned you offhand.

Combo: You do?

???: He trains me sometimes. The names Macy.

Combo: Lucky you, what's he say about me?

Macy: Nothing bad. But we have company, we'll keep the chit chat for later.

Multiple more Speakermen arrived as Combo and Macy prepared themselves, and Boombets rampage was being interrupted by a custom speaker titan from Y/N arriving. Large Titan Speaker Woman. Or as many called her, Megaphone.

 Or as many called her, Megaphone

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