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The next day everyone on dinning table except nidhi and bhavya

Ashiwini: I am worried about her what will happen to my daughter

Then sakshi got a idea suddenly and make sad face untill Ashiwini notice her

Ashiwini: why are you sad

Sakshi: nothing mom i want to go home

Dhruv: why

Sumedh: don't leave second without bhabhi

Sakshi: no i am sacred i have to go home

Then she sing everyone to that she is doing act

Ashiwini: why again the same dream

Sakshi: not same but yes

Ashiwini: what

Sakshi: the some one is saying to me that I separated both of them they will not leave me and i can't say anymore

Mrs thakur know they are just doing act

Sakshi: I am going to room

Rose: i also come

After one bye one dhruv and sumedh also leave and Mrs thakur also

Mrs thakur: what this new drama

Sakshi: oo aunty can you help us please i can't see nidhi and bhavya like this we have to do something i just started planned down but know I am thinking how to go further

Before Mrs thakur say anything Ashiwini and all come

Ashiwini: so this was your my daughter

Sakshi: oo maa that-

Sonu: we can understand and heard everything Mrs thakur say us everything what you all did yesterday

Youngster: what

Ashiwini: so we decide to help you all

Rose: thanks maa

Ashiwini: welcome this I can do for my children happiness but the question is how

Sakshi: think same

Sumedh:you all think if you're thinking over then call me ok I am going bye

Rose: come back you also have to think

Sumedh: what is hard in that bhavya love her but she also loves him but problem is she is not ready to forgive so anyone of you go and tell her to forgive him

Rose: so simple right this is not a plan as I no she not forgive him never why are you using your brain in stupid things

Sakshi: Idea

Everyone: what

Sakshi: make her jealous

Rose: great but with whom

Dhruv: i know ( looking at sonali)

Sonali: dada Don't think about me I am not good in acting please

Rose: you have to because the only person you are that know her weak point in this

Sakshi: see she is your friend and you know what happened between them very well then she thinks why best friend is sticking with him right first step of jealous and 2 you call him with some name you both talk daily you both go for hang out alone she feels insecure and that insecure slowly increase in jealous

Rose: good plane bhabhi

Sakshi: yes

Sumedh: how did you know bhabhi's plane she said only half of it

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