Diana's Call to Andrew

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Diana needed to call Andrew to solidify the plans for the weekend. She was allowed to have a phone only due to outside communication with non-witches for the special events coming up. Each participating school had to send some kids over to help prepare for the upcoming dance. Andrew was going to visit Luna Nova to volunteer as a representative of Appleton Academy. 

"Andrew, do you still plan on volunteering this weekend?", Diana jumped straight to the point. 

"Why wouldn't I? It seems like fun. Hopefully, it won't turn out too chaotic," Andrew let out a small chuckle. 

"We will be dividing up the decor evenly. I believe Appleton Academy agreed to purchase the centerpieces. We can get the flowers catered the day of the dance," she remained rigid in her conversation.

"Sure, whatever works best," he said nonchalantly leaning back in his desk chair. 

"One more thing I need to ask you...", Diana's voice grew fainter with a hint of nervousness.

"Hmmm?", Andrew began to listen in closer as he sat straight in his chair. 

"Do you know anything about video games?", she sighed out. 

Andrew was perplexed from such a question. He grew up with Diana and knew she wasn't the video game type. Diana's time was dedicated solely to her studies in academia and magic. He wondered what would provoke her to ask such a question. 

"I mean... I'm not too into video games myself, but I occasionally play with my friends," he replied. "What makes you ask?"

"I-I-I just want to know for my own knowledge!", Diana defended herself. 

"Oh, I get it. You want to ask someone to the dance, so you're trying to get more info on their interests!", Andrew began connecting the dots. Diana is totally crushing hard on someone right now. 

"No," she tried to sound as truthful as possible, but couldn't deny Andrew's accusations. 

"You don't have to tell me who he is. There's like 20 guys I know who are planning to ask you as a date!", Andrew began counting on his fingers. I was exaggerating, but it might actually be 20 or so. "I told them that they shouldn't expect anything but a hard rejection from the cold-hearted Diana Cavendish," he teased. Many of Andrew's peers would ask him about Diana, hoping for a chance with her. Yet, Andrew knew that she would turn down any romantic affections. Ever since she was a young child, she remained studious by ignoring such frivolous endeavors. "I guess I could tell 19 of them to move on," he shrugged. Andrew was testing Diana. He had an idea of who it could be, but needed to make sure that it was the right person. 

"You can tell all 20 of them that I have absolutely no interest," Diana ignored Andrew's remarks. 

'Isn't that a bit harsh?", he leaned back, looking towards the ceiling. "Okay... that means it's not someone from my school. If it's who I think it is..."

"I'm just telling the truth," she defended herself. "But tell me more about video games. What do I need to do?". 

"Hmmm... what game is it? Most of my friends play online fighting games, but that doesn't sound like something you'd be interested in," Andrew toned down his playful teases. 

"The game doesn't matter, but I don't know where to start. I think it's some sort of limited edition bundle from what I've heard. It's a pretty outdated console," Diana didn't want to give away that she was referring to the Shiny Chariot game. 

"How old? Like, vintage 90's or early 2000's? It depends on what game it is. If it's something popular or mainstream, they don't really cost that much," he tried to find clues of what the game it was. 

"Ummm... I'm not so sure how popular it was back in the day," she didn't want to reveal her secret Shiny Chariot hobby. "The starting bid is $300. Is that bad?". 

"What vintage game console would cost that much? They usually only cost $150 or so,"  Andrew inquired. What obscure video game would have Diana be so interested in? 

"The game is irrelevant. I just needed to know what-", Diana was cut off from Andrew's interjection. 

"Oh, wait! I think it's that Shiny Chariot game! I remember seeing a few advertisements as a kid," he concluded. Andrew finally began connecting the dots- Diana is totally trying to get this game for Akko! "Why didn't they date sooner?" he thought himself.

"I'm not going to deny that...", she was flustered.

"I can't believe it would cost that much now," Andrew continued on. "I bet Akko would really like it."

Diana sighed in a slight frustration. She couldn't hide her feelings. "I hope so," Diana said. She thought about Akko's outgoing smile. Anytime Akko was in Diana's presence, Diana's eyes were latched on Akko like gorilla glue. Honestly, Diana only offered those study sessions to spend more time with Akko. Akko would trail off leave drawings on the corners of the pages. To Diana, these drawings felt like affectionate mementos. She knew that the Shiny Chariot game was the only gift fit for Akko no matter the price. 

"Well, I guess I have to tell all 20 of your suitors that you're heart lies with another!", he remarked. "Good luck with that," Andrew chuckled.

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