Chapter 1: Hugfulls

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Ali was laying down on her bed. Her room was small, only having a single mattress and a sleeping bag for a bed. The towering drawers were overflowing pants, shirts and other bits of clothing. The only thing that  looked clean was the photo of her mother. In the photo, her mother was holding Ali above her head in the sunset. Ali reached out for it, but failed, flopping back into her bed. A small groan came out of her as she sat up on her bed, and this time, successfully grabbing the frame. She looked at the picture, then at the pigsty of a room, then back at the photo...

After a long stare at her mother, she groaned. "Fine, but not under my bed. Okay, I'll do under my bed too!" Ali slammed the frame back on the table, and started cleaning. She threw all of her clothes from in her drawers  onto her bed. For some reason, whenever she looked at this photo of her mum, it motivates her to clean her room. Ali knew it had to be done sometime soon anyway. After a couple of minutes, the clothes were folded and put away. Next was underneath the bed. The trick was to chuck all of the stuff into her bed, but the rubbish on the floor next to the door, put the dirty washing in the basket, and disperse the rest around the room. It was very effective. She used this method for cleaning all of her room. Chucking it onto her bed, then finding sensible places to put it. Ali kept on mumbling about how dirty the room was, and finding stuff she even forgot she had. This took longer than expected, taking up half an hour of her time. 

"Ok," Ali said, "folded the clothes, dealt with under my bed, now I got to put washing on, add more rubbish to the bin, and vac. Ugghhhh, so much dirt to vac up!" She went to her closet. Ali opened the door, and got rewarded with a mountain of junk falling to her feet. "Great. MORE to clean up." She threw the mess onto her bed. Now that she could actually see in her closet, she found the vacuum cleaner. "But before I do that..." Ali turned to face her bed, "...I have to deal with this." She grabbed handfuls of rubbish and yeeted it to the floor, which the pile of rubbish was now a hill of rubbish. "And when I'm done, it'll be a mountain of rubbish..." Ali mumbled. All the junk was on the floor, and now to sort out the clothing from the useful junk. Useful junk is the word she uses for stuff that she will need one day, and doesn't want to throw away.

"The fun's finally here- sorting out clothing! Try to stay positive while also trying not to loose your mind!" Sarcasm was finally kicking in. She quickly grabbed parts of clothing and chucked them into the overflowing basket. This only took around ten minutes to do. And all that was left on her bed was some lollies and a hat. Ali sighed. She thought she would find her beanie. It had been lost in her room for years. She grabbed the overflowing washing basket. Ali used all of her reserved strength to pick up the basket, and struggled to move it to the washing machine. She picked up each piece individually, making sure that there were no tissues in the pockets. Ali only had to make that mistake once. Maybe twice. 

After twenty minutes, the clothes were in the washing machine. The top loader was just able to take the load of washing. "No towels, both products. Yes towels, no soft stuff." Ali got told this by her mother. She put in the powder and the fabric softener in the machine and set it to a half an hour wash. That should be enough. Ali went back to her room and pulled the vacuum cleaner out. What a life this thing has had. She carefully plugged it in and turned it on. The loud whirr echoed through the house. Her father was working in the shed on the boat. Big Beauty, he called it. She thought of the many times she had been on it. But she refused to go for a swim. She didn't want him to know...

Burying those thoughts in the vac's scream, Ali seized the pole and vacuumed her room. She could hear the sand, dirt, and other nasties getting sucked into the vacuum. "Definitely had to be done," Ali said. Her voice sounded like a whisper compared to the leaning device. She continued to vacuum her room until she tripped on the mountain of rubbish on the floor next to her door. "Damm. Forgot about that." She stopped the vacuum, finally being able to hear her own voice. Ali scooped the rubbish up in hugfulls and carried them to the kitchen rubbish bin. She dumped them into the rubbish bin, and the rubbish bin was compacted to the top by the time she finished picking every scrap from the floor. Ali looked around the kitchen, making sure her father wasn't watching. "let's close this before he finds out..." she was barely able to close the lid on it. Going back to her room, she finished the vacuuming. Not long after Ali turned the eardrum-abusing machine off, another one sang to her. "Just in time." Ali opened the top loader's lid and emptied the contents of it into the washing basket. Again struggling, she moved the basket outside to the clothesline. She grabbed each piece, one-by-one, and hung then up on the line.

After half an hour, this process was done, and she could proudly say that she had finished cleaning her room. She went back into the house and was relieved that she could walk clearly through her room. Ali realised that she got a notification on her phone. A speech bubble with a lightning bolt through it was shown. "Messenger. Better check it out." She didn't realise it was half past two! She opened her phone and read the message. It was from Gregory. "Hey, can you come over?" It read. "I'll ask dad" Ali replied. She waited a couple of minutes before Gregory responded with a thumbs up. Ali went out the back again. She walked through the never-cut grass with ease. Once she was at the shed, she could hear her dad humming. Ali opened the door to see that her father was cleaning the boat. "Hey there, sport! I heard you turn the noise maker on so I want to distract you. How's it going?" "It's going good," Ali smiled back at her father. "Hey, can I go over to Gregory's? if I can't I can ju-" "Sure you can!" Her father interrupted her. "Thank you dad!" Ali hugged him tight. He almost dropped the bucket of soapy water. She let him go and waved her dad goodbye before closing the door. "Kids," he said. 

Outside the shed, Ali was texting Gregory. "I'll be there in 10mins" Soon after, Gregory responded. "see u then!"

Finally finished the first chapter! These chapters will be hard to post 'cause of school. 1194 words (not including this last paragraph)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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