#44 You Said Forever And Always

41 3 6

👵》Cover / Title
You said forever and always, feels a bit too long so maybe just Forever and Always? The cover is okay but not very eye-catching in my opinion.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The character circumstance, main conflict and what the story is about is set, though maybe you can try to sell what makes the story interesting better because it feels too general / obscure at the moment, and it doesn't have that thing that makes it stand out from other similar tropes.

I think you paint the scenes vividly in the POV of the character, I could definitely imagine the world and the disassociation of the main character as she walks towards the groom. I am not Big on descriptions so I think you describe everything well enough.

👵》Plot & Conflict
I think the story starts at a good point, it introduces the character's situations and emotions strongly, but I find that the inner conflict of the character as I am reading it is kind of silly. Digging your own grave kind of situation but that's just me hehe. (I like strong female leads).

The characters' emotions and reactions to the things around her are strong, though I do have a hard time relating to her experiences. It's like those stories where someone important to the MC dies but I feel nothing because I am not yet attached to the character. Not sure how to fix that, character descriptions are good appearance wise but could be better.

Personally I feel like there are a lot of commas in the writing that it feels like it messes up the flow and pacing of the story? Though I empathise with the character's situation I can't help but feel frustrated about her (Leading to me not liking the lead), for me her character is not very interesting and the POV is not enjoyable.

But I guess that is most drama? 😂 I think most drama just makes you frustrated with the characters in how they deal with their situations badly? I think it is written well but the plot is not very compelling, maybe I've read too much about similar plotlines hehe.

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