failed exams (💌) //ON GOING

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Also sorry I haven't been writhing much, I've been very busy but I'll try my best!! And thank you all so much for 300+ reads 😭💕

Ships in the chapter ::
-slight Zipward (zip x Edward) 



  One day, there was an upcoming math exam... It was pretty much short notice. Oliver hasn't studied at all due too him thinking he'll pass this exam.. He's always had pass every exam he gets with very good markings! Soo sometimes he doesn't really practice nor studies.

  He walked into the classroom and saw everyone studying and re-reading the text books too prepare themselves, what shocked him was that zip and Edward were also studying and looked radher scared and nervous. Oliver immediately walked up too them and sat down, as usual. Zip didn't notice while Edward noticed Oliver calm look

Edward : "why aren't you getting ready, don't you know-"

Oliver : "about the exam? Yup, I know about it! Why are you guys so stressed out? "

Zip : "worth 30℅ of our grade... I'm not ready for this!!"

Oliver : "take a chill pill! We'll pass, either way, Ms. Circle favors us!"

Zip : "doesn't count mate.."

  Not long after the conversation, Ms. Circle entered the classroom. Everyone groaned as most weren't ready for this exam.. They all put their books away and only had the exam paper on their desk, they had till 3rd period too finish, meaning of 2 hours (from 8.00 am till 10.00 am)

Oliver looked at the question shocked... 70 questions, 50 of they had options like "a, b, c" and the other 20 was writhing. He gulped and prayed he'll just do good... He was pretty nervous now..

  About 30 minutes into the exam, a student was already crying from stressed and anxiety, the trio.. Oliver, Edward and zip immediately looked at who it was.. Abbie. They groaned and rolled their eyes.

Zip : "fucking cry baby.. Who the hell even cries during a damn exam"

Edward : "I'm telling you, he's definitely insane."

Oliver : "I thought he studied for this, goddammit."

Zip : "oh he did, he's just a complete dumbass"

Oliver : "he's soo dead for the 2nd time."

They laughed and continued with the exam.. 30 minutes left. Oliver was pretty chill through the exam, confident that he'll pass this as he always does!


  The bell rung, its 3rd period now. As soon as it was 3rd period everyone turned in their exam sheets and walked out of the math classroom, finally lunch time, it was getting pretty boring anyways. Zip, Edward and oliver walked together. Zip seemed nervous since she wasn't sure if she was gonna pass while Edward a d oliver seemed pretty confident and chilled.

Zip : "y'all aren't worried about failing?"

Edward : "if I fail, I know y'all will probably also fail. If I pass, y'all will probably also pass"

Zip : "what does that mean."

Edward : "let's just say, if we fail at least we failed together!"

Zip : "that.. That doesn't sound exciting"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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