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It was sunday.so the family woke up a little late and currently they were having their breakfast.

At the dining table

Saahir was sitting while pouting and sulking as he got scolded early in the morning by his baba for running on stairs.rayyan and inaara were indulge in a playful banter while having breakfast.the couple were having their breakfast while looking at their kids.

Jannat: saahir stop sulking now beta!!!

Rayyan and inaara stop their banter and look at saahir

Inaara: bhai don't be a baby!!! Stop sulking!!( Teased)

Saahir: shut up...I am not a baby!!( Annoyed)

The couple chuckled at their interaction.

Inaara: but you are sulking like a baby!!

Saahir: so after getting g scolded early in the morning do you expect me to do happy dance!!( Annoyed)

Rayyan: Haan toh who told you to run on stair??

Saahir: bhai please... I was not not running!!!

Zayyan raised his brows.

Saahir: matlab I was running but I am not a baby!!

Inaara: bhai accept it that you are sulking like a baby!!!( Teased)

Saahir: mummy!!!( Whined)

Rayyan: see now whining like a baby( teased)

Saahir: baba look at them they are teasing me( annoyed)

Zayyan: rayyan...inaara ...don't tease him...have your breakfast silently.

After a few minutes.

Rayyan: baba from the past 3 days you didn't let us go to the park to play but Today it's Sunday so can we please go to the park in the evening ???

Saahir: yes baba please!!!

Zayyan: fine you all can go but don't stay there for more time.i want you at home before 7.

Saahir: baba atleast till 8 please!!

Rayyan: yes baba all our friends come after 7 only!!

Zayyan: fine but not a min late than 8.

Rayyan: thank you baba!!

The remaining breakfast was a silent affair.

The trio were in the drawing room watching tv and the couple was in the kitchen.

In the drawing room:

Rayyan was watching movie.whereas saahir wants to watch another movie.and inaara wants to watch his dramas.

Inaara: bhai yaar give me the remote please!!!I want to.watch dramas!!

Saahir: no need!!!bhai give me the remote I want to watch other movie!!

Inaara: saahir bhai,i will take remote from bhai.

Rayyan: don't fight amongst yourself as I am not giving it to either of you!!!

Inaara: bhai!!!(Whined)

Saahir: I will tell baba that you are not letting us.watch tv.

Rayyan: don't be a baby saahir.

Inaara: baba(loudly)

Rayyan covers his mouth by his hands so that his baba couldn't hear her.

Rayyan: inaara shut up!!

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