Chapter 6

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Donghyuck eyes were closely shut, he hates the way they'll be getting their hands over him.

Touching him inappropriately, his whole body trembled, he was practically fuming with rage.

How he wanted to scream so badly but having his mouth covered might as well making him lose all of his energy.

Fuck it!

He cursed internally, having 5 boys hovering him.

"Slide down his pant, let's get this done fast."

Donghyuck widened his eyes, making him yelped desperately, trying to release himself from the grasp.

There were practically no one around as he were dragged behind the school field, and it was a secluded area anyway – no one would notice.

One of the bastards snuck his hand inside the tanned's jersey, roaming it through Donghyuck bare skin, the tanned winces back and was very uncomfortable with it.

Donghyuck could feel the hot breath approaching his face, he didn't dare to witness the horror he'll be facing.

As it feels one of the boy comes near him, he jerked back and aggresively ram his head at the latter giving him a painful headbutt.

"Ergh, fucking hell." He grunts, gripping on Donghyuck's jaw harshly and hitting him on the face.

The tanned was just too tired, he had just finished his basketball practice let alone crashing into these assholes.

He closed his eyes again, feeling like passing out as everything seems hazy - only to heard loud groaning and sounds of someone being pushed against the wall.

"What the fuck!" One of them yelled.

"Huh..." Donghyuck could feel he was being released and he falls down to the ground.

He opens his eyes half lidded and saw the bullies were beaten up, they look trash as hell.

Donghyuck gasped, pushing his feet for his back to hit the wall, everything happened so fast like everyone was barely conscious.

He slowly lifts his head up and saw Mark choking one of the boy's neck, slamming him to the wall repeatedly. The latter immediately let go as he glances over to Donghyuck who watched him looking so terrified.


His whole eyes were infuriating, he seems to be panting so hard like he had run so fast.

Mark grab Donghyuck and pulls him up, he then drags the tanned out from the area, going to the field locker room.

"The fuck was you thinking?" Mark was fuming as he thrown Donghyuck inside the room.

The tanned was so confused. "What do you mean?"

"What if I was not by the bleacher when those fuckers got into you?"


Donghyuck was out of breath too, he had ran his energy so slow that he can barely speak, he was confused to the point his whole body suddenly trembled again.

"You're the basketball captain for God's sake! Use your fucking strength when needed!" He took Donghyuck's wrist, clenching it tight.

The tanned jerked back slightly stunned.

Mark began to take a deep breath, he lowered his head down and noticed how the tanned jersey was slightly lifts up, exposing his golden-like torso.

He slowly pulls his shirt down; his gaze went back to meet the tanned timid eyes.

In Love With A Criminal (Markhyuck)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora