pain part - 6 ( last part )

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I went to my house and lay down on my bed thinking about my dad After my mom died he lived in America for business and also tells me to live with him

My dad is the CEO of Kim a company that is richer than Jungkook

But I love simple life so I live here alone and my dad gives me money per month and everyone thinks I am poor I laughed secretly when Jungkook said you are poor

I will show off when my dad comes I know showing off is bad but what jungkook did was not bad

Yes my affection and attention on Jungkook slowly fades away from that incident which broke me

I miss my dad but where is he it's almost night I said and watched my clock 10:10
Where is he? I said suddenly

A Knock

No not a knock it's like someone hitting my door and I quickly open the door and saw a lady who is wet yes I forget it's raining outside

Who are you ? I said

I don't have time to say the lady said

Are you Lisa ? The lady said

Yeah why ? I said

Your dad Kim seokjin is no more the lady said

My breath hitched the world stopped for me

How I said almost cry at this point

And faints

At hospital

I woke up and found myself laying down on a hospital bed and I shout

Where is my dad I shout at everyone and look at me some nurse came to calmed me but I still shout

Suddenly I saw the lady coming towards me and sitting next to me

Please calm down Lili the lady said

How did she know about my nickname Lili ?

How can I be ? Tell me where my dad is I said

If you want to know then please calm down the lady said and I calm down to hear I still can't believe my dad left me

I am your dad's girlfriend the lady said

I cut her

It's Impossible my dad still loves my mom I said

I know sweetie but he said I am your mom's looks,behaver and everything is like your mom the lady said

I can relate yes her looks and behaver is the same as my mom I thought

And when we meet at a cafe he confesses to me and we are in a relationship that I know about you I accept you I would be glad to be your mom the lady said

Your dad was very happy to see you again but happens when the lady said and looked down

When ? I question her

When he was driving and I sit at back sit suddenly a car coming from wrong side and hit us but the lady again said and looked down

But I again question her I feel she traumatized like me

He save me and say his last words that I have to do

Please don't feel alone to my queen please be her mom. And live with her don't make her feel my importece I know I will die soon promise me darling you will do that

Jins last words

I will do this things for him beacause I love him will you accept me as your mom the lady said

I nodded and said yeah

Also I have some footages of our accident I show you the lady said

The lady said and show me some pics of the accident I can see a broken car and some ambulance suddenly my balance landed on the car she said that hit them

T-t he number plate I thought I know this number plate wait is that

I-I-I Jungkooks..... cousin'ss.....c-car I said and faints again

Some times later

I woke up and felt some cold air made me relax and forgot everything. I  looked down and saw the lady holding my hand tightly and sleeping

My dad said is right you are my mom I said

( Guys I deleted this ep accidentally and have to make again 😭 )

( If you want this series second season then I will make it )

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