Cold archangel

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I was inspired by this drawing @shishinoruguys on Twitter

After the fall of his brother Michael, Lucifer, the troublemaker of all angels, quickly became a cold and distant archangel. But let's go back to when God created Adam and Lilith, who were meant to be together, and soon Eve would be created. Before being called Lucifer, his name was Samuel, and he would help his father, God, create things to put on earth, like the ducks he was obsessed with. Curious about Earth, Lucifer visited it often, mostly to interact with humans like Lilith, but he kept his distance to avoid getting too close. At the time, he didn't realize he was neglecting his brother Michael, and neither did his siblings. He only discovered this after seeing Michael cry. Lucifer hurried over to him and hugged him tightly, apologizing for not spending time with him and not noticing that he was upset. After a few days, Lucifer thought about how he could help Michael feel better and make amends. He decided to tell his brother his secret to cheer him up and show him that he trusted him, as Michael believed that no one trusted or understood him.

Lucifer: "Michael"

Michael: "What"

Lucifer: "I want to show you something, but you can't tell anyone, ok it is my secret"

Michael: "ok"

Lucifer: "Come on"

He grabbed his brother's hand. Lucifer smiled and took him to the human realm. Lucifer showed him all the different animals, like the ducks, and all the amazing environments and the stars. It made Michael feel better. Then they stopped when they saw Lilith walk toward them. Lucifer smiled and began talking with her. Michael starts feeling envious again. Looking at his brother's chat with Lillth, he feels like an outcast till he sees Eve and moves next to her. After that day, Michael and Lucifer would visit the human realm together. Sometimes, Michael would visit without Lucifer and not just see animals, but see Eve. Months went by. Lucifer was in his room working on paperwork that he had to do as the leader until Uriel opened the door.

Uriel: " Samuel, Michael is in trouble"

Lucifer: "What"

Uriel grabbed his hand and flew next to her, where Michael was, only to see a bunch of angels in court talking with each other. Lucifer asked what was going on, only to hear that his brother had given Lilith the apple, corrupting the world in darkness. Unable to believe that this was what his brother had done, Lucifer told them that it had to be a mistake, but they said it wasn't. Lucifer looked at Michael to see that it wasn't. 

They asked him to sit down since they would be considering Michael's punishment. Lucifer intervened, suggesting that instead of punishing him, we assist him correct his error, but they stated it was irrevocable and instructed Lucifer to remain silent. The conference proceeded, but whenever Lucifer spoke, they disregarded everything as foolishness since they simply saw him as a troublemaker and never planned to listen to him, until they finally booted him out of the meeting.

He was in his room, pacing around. Uriel was trying to calm him down. After a few minutes, Azrael came in and announced that they had decided on his punishment: he was to be banished from Heaven and to rule Hell. Upon hearing this, Lucifer flew over there, unable to believe what was happening. He saw his brother, injured and bleeding, with black horns on his head, protecting Eve with horns as well, until they both fell into the darkness. Lucifer flew to try to save him, only to be stopped by the other angels. After a few minutes passed, Lucifer peered into the abyss of darkness where his brother had fallen, tears in his eyes.

Lucifer: "Michael, I am so sorry"

Afterthat day, Samuel changed his name to Lucifer. He could not stand to look at his face without picturing his brother looking at him and slipping into the darkness. To deal with this, he began wearing a mask to cover his face, concealing his gold eyes. The mask also served to disguise his emotions and convey a more serious and icy persona, preventing others from seeing him as a troublemaker and instead taking him more seriously.

Angel and a sinnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora