Mark x Reader - Stop Avoiding Me

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Mark Tuan

(Your P.O.V)

"Oh My God (f/n)! There they are!" Sunny pulled on your cardigan sleeve while pointing towards a place where one of our school's most popular group of boys were standing. They're a bad boy group known as GOT7. All of the girls fawn over them. Yes it's true, they are gorgeous and have a fan club. They were also known for breaking countless girl's heart. I rolled my eyes and looked over to where she was pointing. When my eyes landed on a certain second eldest member of the group I instantly turned my head away and blushed. His name was Mark Tuan and my lifetime crush since 8th grade, I've always admired him from afar, I'm always around their group but not too close to the extent that they'll know, I've always watched Mark from afar. I don't mean in a creepy way. But yeah, he'll never notice me anyway, I'm not pretty or beautiful compared to the girls at my school, I'm not popular, I'm not curvy or skinny, basically not his type, so it's unlikely that he'll ever notice me. Thinking about it makes me a little sad.... Ok maybe a lot.

"(f/n)? (f/n)! Are you listening?" I was snapped out of my daze and turned my attention to Sunny, she was pouting. "Is something wrong? Are you feeling okay?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I simply smiled and squeezed her hands.

"Yeah! I'm perfectly fine!" I exclaimed and she went back to her happy self.

"Wow... They're so perfect. Don't you just wish you were their girl-friend?" Your friend wondered as she continued to stare at them. Playing with the hem of my skirt, I looked up and turned to where they were standing and looked at Mark. He was laughing and joking with BamBam, he put his hands in his pockets and turned his head, his eyes met yours for a split second before you panicked and turned your attention back to the hem of your skirt. Oh Craaaap he caught me staring! What do I do? What do I do?! You knew he was still looking at you so you avoided looking back at him.

"WOAH HEY, (f/n)! Mark is looking at you!!!!" I started to panic more.

"S-Sunny! I forgot something in class! I'm going to get it ok?! Stay here!" She had a shocked look on her face.

"Okay? Are you sure you don't want me to come along?" I nodded repeatedly and ran off in the opposite direction.

"E-eh! (f/n)! You're going the wrong way!!! Class is that way!" Sunny exclaimed and pointed towards the hall in which GOT7 were standing. You didn't care, you just ran. You ran outside and behind the school building. You leaned against the wall and slid down, trying to catch your breath.

*sigh* "I should stop being around them for a while.... Maybe avoid him forever. What's the point of chasing after something you can't get..." You sat there, staring at your hands that were on your thighs.

(Mark's P.O.V)

"Hey Mark! Why do you keep getting all the girls?! What's your secret?" It was lunch break and we were standing in the hallways talking. BamBam is currently shaking me.

"Haha, what do mean I get all the girls? I don't know what you're saying" This happens all the time at school. We're constantly being chased by girls.

"BamBam's right, you do get all the girls." Yugyeon joined in our convocation and poked my ribs. I laughed.

"Really? I don't really pay much attention, haha....." I laughed and turned my head somewhere else. When I did, my eyes landed on a really cute girl's eyes. She instantly looked away. It was the same girl I see every day. What was her name again? Oh yeah, (f/n) (l/n)... I always caught her staring at me and walking around my group of friends. I smiled as I watched her fiddle with the hem of her skirt with flushed cheeks.

"Cute....." It's the truth, she's not like any of the girls at our school. She's not flashy but instead, she softly glows. She's plain, but cute. She has no make-up on but still looks prettier than the girls with make-up on. Her hair is long, straight and silky, hasn't been styled just brushed, unlike the other girls that dye and curl their hair. She has soft skin and soft cherry pink lips. She's not like the clingy girls at our school. She's special and full of charm. She thinks I don't like her, but I do.

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