coffee shop

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The doorbell of the coffee shop rang and a dark red-haired, asian guy walked towards the counter. The beautiful brunette stood at the coffee machine one hand on her waist the other on the machine top. she swung her head in the direction of the counter. and sighted the guy at the counter she noticed that the bar attender wasn't there so she went towards the guy, smiled and said
"annyeonghaseyo,mueos eul wonhashinayo" (hello what would you like) she asked in Korean. the guy smiled sheepishly and replied
"jeoneun jung gug salam ibnida"(I am Chinese)
" o baoqian, ni Xiang,yao shenme" (oh sorry what would you like).
" hmmm, wo Xiang nongsou kafei with sugar"(hmm I would like expresso with sugar"
"hao" (okay) she said and walked to the coffee machine to make the espresso coffee she heard the bell ring again she looked in the direction of the door once again, and she lit up when she saw who it was. it was a regular customer who came every day around this time. she looked back just in time before the coffee ran over the capacity of the cup. she added sugar and stirred with the wooden stick, she handed it over to the Chinese guy and thanked him.
"the usual right, she said to the guy in front of her. he had a cute pointed button nose, hazel blue eyes, chiseled jaw, cupid lips, soft hunter eyes, with curly long hair cascading over his shoulders.
" well. I just taught to try something new what do u suggest?"
" that nice , I would make you a special one. I don't make this for every one." he smiled.
" I am honoured."
" I would be right back" she spun around. grabbed a mug and placed it on the table . added cocoa and a little amount of water into it, and whisked it, till it was foamy, then poured a whisked milk into it till the foam rose above the mug then drew a heart. she smiled at the heart she had gotten way better than the last one she made.

"Oh this looks so pretty" he said sitting on the chair on the counter
" Do you want sugar, cause i didn't add one" she asked
" I am not a fan of sweet things, thanks for asking." he took a sip of the drink
"hmm, mas-issneun"( hmm, taste good) he said
" oh my gosh you speak Korean?" she asked surprised
"not really I learnt from k dramas, I heard you speaking in it earlier, how did you learn it" he raised his brows
" I liked it after watching k dramas and decided to learnt it" she chuckled
" By the way what is your name" he asked "wei"(why) she asked
"well we have been seeing each other for Literally for the past month" he sighed
"okay. Hi I am Hazel Ainsworth" she extended her hand in a hand shake gesture
"Hi I am Andre Blaire." he shook her hand. they both looked into each others eyes, she smirked, and he smiled. it felt as if time had paused and they where the only ones around .

"Hazel. you have got a call." a collegue said interrupting the romantic moment. Hazel turned around sharply, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"who is it" she asked "Aben Nursery" her collegue said handing her the phone.
"hello, Ainsworth speaking please" she said to the person on the other end
" hello, could you come to school, Ivy had complained of a head ache and is in an hospital right now"
" ivy wat happened?, what hospital?, " "wildflower hospital"
"I would be right there now" Hazel hung up and rushed out of the coffee shop.

Once at the hospital reception, Hazel hurriedly asked the receptionist where Ivy Ainsworth was, she was directed to the room that she sighted the small body frame on the hospital bed with a frail looking lady on the chair beside her.
"You are here miss Ainsworth" the lady said standing up from the chair "how is my daughter"
"she is fine just passed out due to a headache"
"thank God" "this is her medical report you have to pay attention to her from now hence forth"
"I am so sorry I have been busy with work I would try my best to pay more attention to them, by the way who are you"
"I am Ivy class teacher"
" oh thank you for taking her here" "its my duty"
Hazel walked to the bed and held Ivy's small hands in hers.
"Mummy"she heard the small little voice say. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair.
"Mummy is here" she said in a sweet voice .
" I want to go home "
"We would go home now." She said then turned to the teacher. "Where can I process the discharge"
"Follow me the teacher said. Once Hazel finished processing the discharge she took Ivy home after picking up her twin, Lily from school.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ That evening Hazel sat by the window in her living room reminiscing about her past. She once used to be a child loved by her parents. When she was 16 her father died in an accident caused my her mom's negligence since then she never forgave her mum and was rebellious all through her child hood. One night she had had a big fight with her mom and left the house to her friend's. Her friend had been invited to a masked party at a bar, they where both under aged but wore clothes and makeup that made them seem grown up.................................
🥀🥀🥀🥀Flash back 🥀🥀🥀🥀
Hazel watched her friend being slutty on the dance floor, she twirled the strawberry punch she was drinking with a straw in her hand, half heartedly. "First time here huh" Hazel looked up to see a guy wearing all black with a designer red mask. He seemed manly "well, it is. How did u know?"she replied "well it is not my first but it isn't my third either "so it's your second " she chuckled "well, yes. Why are you here?" "I had a fight with my mom, came here with a friend . How about you?" "what a coincidence, I am here because I had a fight with my parents but it's my grandpa"
" Ooo, want a drink?" she asked "Oh I don't drink " "neither do I" "But since we are here why don't we try it" "If you insist, I can't resist " he laughed. After a few cups of wine all they could see was each others lips and they went for it.
"hmmm. Go get a room " one of the costumers in the bar said giggling He looked at her with lust in his eyes "should we?". He asked with a soft horse voice
"I am done saying no." all she could think about was his lips..................

🌹🌹🌹🌹Flash back over 🌹🌹🌹🌹

With her hands on her head she wanted to say she regretted it, but to be sincere she didn't. Without that she would have never had her beautiful children. She would have never known what pain her mom had to go through to have her.....

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