Norina the knitter part 7

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He smiles and says "You find a fairly decent rock that will give you a full view of the room, after standing on it you find your uncle holding a beanie and the 3 people 2 men and 1 women that are working around with your uncle tools and tools you haven't seen before to make what looks like beanies, and Haul tells you "Why was he a knight or a fighter before? doesn't look like it""

She says"I respond to Haul "Actually I don't know, but people usually are afraid of him like that landlord, and it seems like my uncle have hired these people to work on the beanies with him" I will go inside greeting the people"

He says"You walk in greeting, the 3 strangers respond kindly and one of the men points at you uncle and says "He hired us to work on the beanie design and said his niece will pay when she comes back home, we have finished 8 beanies so far with 2 made by your uncle, so we will charge you for 6 beanies""

she says""have you decided on the price with my uncle?""

he says""No, he said you can decide on that when my niece comes home, I would say 8 silvers each is enough since your uncle bought the materials for the beanies" then you hear the owl says "Seems like you are the one getting mugged young one""

She noticeably gets disappointed and says "Well that is not a way to handle payments I tell them"Sure let's go with that" and I take the 48 silvers and give it to them"

He says"They take the money and pack their things and start walking out Haul tells you "Young one, are you sure about that amount?""

She says""Well what Im I gonna do if they jump on me, my uncle is asleep and there is 3 of them, and the beanies are decent we can increase the price when we sell them"Then I go to wake my uncle"

He says "Your uncle is confused and gets up quickly thinking there is something wrong, then he sees you and says "Oh you are back!"he gets up and walks around a bit and then says "Have you paid?"while picking up the beanies they have made"

She says""Yes I have, but you should pay more attention to how you make contracts and don't' sleep while there are strangers in the house" then I go and start picking them up with him and I tell him that Fred is coming tomorrow"

He says"Your uncle nodes and gives you the beanies in his hand and says "How about we sell each for 7 Gold and keep 2 for ourselves, and we change the design every week so it will be a unique item after a while" then Haul's says"Ain't your old one a crafty one""

She says in awe ""That is a brilliant idea! How about we rent or buy a place and have workers make the beanies there instead of our home?""

He says"Your uncle quickly picks up a paper and starts drawing on it, what would you like to do?"

She says" I will leave him be and plan my next show with Haul while examining the beanies and see if there is any major differences in quality"

he points at the dice she rolls it to get a 1

He holds his laughter and says"Well your uncle and the workers made these in a rush, you see that a few of them have a hanging thread that if pulled it can unravel them, the only good ones are the ones your uncle made"

She sighs and says" Can I find a way to correct them without unraveling them and making them again?"

He looks at the dice , she understood picks it up and roll and says "Please not a 1"

and she got a 7

He looks disappointed and says "You can only save 1 of them the others are a lost cause that will damage your reputation if sold, but it is up to you to decide"

She says "Then I will start fixing this one tell my uncle what happened and go to sleep after"

He says "You fixed the beanie and now you have a total of 3 beanies, your uncle didn't pay any attention as he was still focused on what he is drawing, you walk to your bed where Haul follows you and says "This sure is fun young one much better than being stuck at that old man moldy stall""

She says""You can stay with us if you want even after we earn what we need, we can also bring those hawks that raised even if they turned out to not be able to understand me they can understand you""

He says " as you are talking and planning what to do with Haul to earn more and increase the number of your troop you fall asleep and seamlessly you wake up with the sun rising and hitting your face , actually it is hitting you way to closely, as you feel the beak of the Haul picking at you and says"Young one get up the sun is out""

She says "Is Haul's picking at me painful or just like he is touching me?

He says"Just touching your arm"

She says"Then I will get up and say "Good morning troop member number 1""

He says "Haul seems to be angry and says "Hey I am the troop leader" then you notice your uncle has put his drawing on the table next to your bed, you take a look and see a detailed plan on how to start a beanie workshop and how to vet the workers"

She says "Well that sure makes it a lot easier to make good ones, I will get ready with Haul for today's show" 

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