golden soul

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Golden soul

A golden heart
Golden eyes

But no one looks inside gold
Everyone looks at it's shine
At how they look from the outside
No-one sees the rust

The scars
On arms and thighs
The pain
In mind and eyes
The stinging
Under your shirt
The fake smile
Everyone thinks is real
The pain
You wanna hide

Gold seems beautiful and gorgeous
But no-one sees the rust inside

How painful it is
How hurt I am

But I seem Golden
An angel
Never hurt
Always happy
Gold isn't what it seems

Gold is rustic
Gold Is dead
From inside

I seem Gold
Golden eyes
Golden lies
Golden soul

But deep down
I'm battling
A battle I shouldn't be battling
A battle I'm gonna lose

How do you win
If there is no winning
Everything I do
Feels like losing
Like falling

Falling down a deep hole
Till endless
Somewhere no-one is gonna get me out of
No hand can reach

No light
No hand
No hope

Check up on your loved ones♡

S. Grey Your failed poet

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