CHAPTER:- Restart

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It's a busy day in UA Academy, the lunch bell had just rang and students were flooding the halls, chatting and whispering. Straight down the hall, through the doors that enter the principal's office, with Mineta Minrou, Shouta Aizawa and Principal Nezu. The three were sat down as Principal Nezu looked at mineta sadly.

"Mineta, we have gotten many reports on you the females of the school about you harassing them." Principal Nezu paused, giving that sentence time to settle in. Mineta turned to Aizawa who gave him a stern yet soft look before turning his head. Mineta frowned at the lack of explanation from his sensei but turned back to the principal.

Principal Nezu look sadden as he clasped his hands together, "So we have no choice but to expel you from the school." Principal Nezu said. The words sunk in and mineta eyes widen, "w-what!' Mineta said in dismay, he didn't think it would go this far. Mineta looked at Aizawa for help, "It's out of our hands mineta there's nothing we can do for you." His sensei spook.

His had a hint of sadness but his serious, "We've already called your mother so you must go pack your things and leave, it was a pleasure having you with us and it's sad to see you go." Principal Nezu sad as Aizawa ushered mineta out the room and down the busy hallway to the dorms. Mineta's head hung low as he walked, he could feel stares and hear the whispers of student.

Arriving at the dorms mineta opened the door and everyone from his class was staring at him. Mineta walked passed them heading to his dorm to pack, his head down so they wouldn't see the tears trickling down his face threatening to fall. The class look at Aizawa, "Sensei what's wrong with mineta?" Izuku asked curiously as Aizawa looked at them.

"Mineta was expelled moments ago, so he's packing to leave." Aizawa said, there was a moment of silence before the class burst into smiles and cheers. Aizawa was a bit stunned by their quick change of emotions after the hearing the news. but, in the back in the class cheers, Kaminari, Mina, and Jirou were in shocked, was this real? Was it true?

Mineta walks out with his suitcase in and he was even more sure the class smiling at his departure, it didn't make him feel any better. Kaminari couldn't take anymore as he ran to mineta hugging, "I'll miss you so much and I'll really miss our hang outs." Kaminari said as the class settled into silence. Mina and Jirou sat in back hold each other as Mina cry.

Even if mineta had harassed her at first, she and mineta grew a close sibling bond from dancing and soon everyday they would dance in the studio after school. Kaminari found out about their hanging and was upset he wasn't inviting and it turned from two to three and then jirou found out after following kaminari. So it became just the four dancing and goofing around, Jirou had the tunes, kamnari had the charge willingly. It was their getting away from the class and see the real mineta, so it was seeing mineta leaving.

Mineta turned and left the dorm, Aizawa right behind him. "Good riddance am I right?" Uraraka said and the class all yelled as Mina, Jirou and Kaminari went in Mina's dorm room slamming the door as the class shrugged them off and going back to celebrating. Mineta and Aizawa exited the gates of the school, his mother waiting on outside the her car with a stern look on her face.

Mineta looked up at his mother as she opened the door for him and he entered the car sitting silently waiting for his mother to enter. "Thank you for allowing time for him to change and I'm really sorry he couldn't learn or change anything." Mineta's Mom said. " It's fine We're gonna miss him, me and all his friends and I hope he changes for the better." Aizawa said and Mineta's mom smiled getting in her car.

She drove off, the ride was silent as the school grew further and further. Mineta opened his mouth to speak, 'Don't." His mom said. "I begged that they gave you chance after chance and you failed me Mineta, so since your aunt and uncle are leaving today you'll go with them." She said sternly, there was no room for argument. Mineta could only cry silently as his mother drove him to the airport.

Upon arriving at the airport, Mineta saw His Aunt Jessica and Uncle Michael and his dad with the rest of his luggage. His mother parked the car and they both exited the car walking up to the three, "I packed everything you'll need his passport, Birth certificate and other important documents so you can enroll him into a school." His mom explained as Michael threw his hands around Mineta shoulders.

"Don't worry he'll be fine, I'll get him into the right order." Jessica said. Mineta hugged his mom and looked up at her with determination. " I'll make you proud mom, I'll come back better for you, I'll learn and adapt." Mineta said as a tear slid down his mom face as she hugged him. Mineta walked to the plan with his aunt and uncle as he waved bye to his parents, He was determined to make his mom proud.

They board the plane and took their seats as the plane took off, starting a new adventure for Mineta and he can't wait to explore.

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