CHAPTER 3:- New Friend

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Mineta's alarm rung as six a.m. sharp, causing Mineta to open his eyes groaning tiredly. "Hmmm...I'm awake I'm up!" Mineta said as he took of his alarm rubbing his eyes. Mineta took a moment to look around his newly design room. Mineta and his uncle help move the furniture and paint the walls and do the carpet and his aunty help with the organizing of everything else.

Mineta's door opened revealing his uncle Michael with a smile on his face," good you're awake, c'mon get up, it's your first day of school you don't wanna be late." Uncle Michael said and Mineta eyes open more nit to the realization as his uncle went back downstairs. "Right first day of school." Mineta said as he quickly head downstairs and ate breakfast and upstairs to take a shower and change.

Mineta finally put on his shoes and headed downstairs where, Aunty Jessica hands him his bookbag, "C'mon we're driving you to your first day." Jessica said and Mineta nodded heading to car, it wouldn't be that bad right. As they hit road, "So remember you have to be a respectable boy here so no touching girls, I can't say what these girls will do to you." Aunty Jessica said and Michael nodded.

"Your aunt's right, these girl will not hold back and we can't help if you provoke them so try to mingle with people in your class maybe alright." Michael said and Mineta nodded, " don't worry guys, I'll do great, I promise to school wouldn't call you at all for that." Mineta promised as the parked in front the school and Mineta got out. "We love you Mineta." Jessica said as Mineta just nodded.

Mineta walks up the stairs to enter the school compound, he hears a loud honk from his uncle's car and freezes and turns around. " WE LOVE YOU MINETA!!" They yelled from the car and Mineta face turned red with embarrassment, "Please stop." he said as his aunt and uncle to continue to pester him from the car as Mineta walks back crashing into someone. "I am so sorry!" Mineta said turning to meet the person.

"It's no problem man, my dad's like that to" the kid say as the bell rang and Mineta looked back to see his aunt and uncle already gone and he turns back to the kid. "again really sorry about it." Mineta said and the kid stood up giving Mineta a helping hand to stand up. " No biggie, it's fine everyone gets embarrassed, I'm Miles Morales by the way." Miles said holding out his hand.

"I'm Mineta Minrou, it's my first day" Mineta said shaking miles hands. "figured, your names Japanese right?" Miles asked, " yep, I'm from japan and I transferred here, how did you know?" Mineta asked as they both walked into the school that was crowded with students. "I read a lot of manga in my free time." Miles answered. " so since your new, do you know what dorm your in yet or where the classes are?" Miles asked.

Mineta shaked his head,"No actually I don't know where any of those things are." Mineta answered with a slight laugh and Miles joins in. "okay so what's your first class?" Miles asked and Mineta takes out his time table and shows him the paper. "well lucky for you, these are all my class and we're so late for AP Physics." Miles said grabbing Mineta wrist and running down the hall.

Mineta started to run as well not wanting to dragged as the entered the class, as the teachers giving a diagram. "Mr.Morales late again for my class what's your excuse now?" The teacher asked, "He was helping me to class miss, I am the new student, Mineta Minrou is my name." Mineta said giving Miles a nudge. "Yes, Miss that's right I was helping the new student." Miles said as they both looked at the teacher.

"Fine, make sure you're not late again and help the new student catch up." The teacher explained as the two boys went and sat down in their seats next to each other chuckling. "thanks for saving me back there." Miles said and Mineta shrugged. "You help me and I'll help you." Mineta replied. "Like friends do?" Miles asked holding up his hand in a fist.

Mineta gives him the fist bump, 'like friends do." Mineta answered and that was the start of a new friendship for Mineta. Once class was over Mineta and Miles walked out the class chatting, "Sup Miles.' a kid said walking up to the two. "Hey ganke, this is the new student Mineta and a new friend." Miles putting his arms around Mineta shoulder. " Cool, I'm Ganke." Ganke said and Mineta nodded as they parted ways.

"He's my roommate and so what of a gamer." Miles said, "Yeah, I think even a genius can figure that out he had a switch in his hand." Mineta said pointing out the obvious. Miles nodded, "You right." Miles said and Mineta smiled. The day went by smoothly as possible and Mineta got to meet all his new teachers and new class. Mineta got a tour around the school from and miles and he's a in a dorm next to miles, it's a lone dorm.

The school day came to an end as Mineta miles sit in Miles and Ganke's dorm room, "So what do you think about the school?" Miles asked. "I'm gonna like it here and with you here to show me the way, I'm sure I'll do great." Mineta said as they both laughed at the sappiness. "Anyways we should get to bed don't wanna be late for first period." Mineta said getting giving miles a fist bump and heading over to his dorm.

Mineta sits down as his phone rings, it's his aunt and Mineta picks up, "So how are you liking the new school making any new friends yet." his Aunt Jessica asked. "Mhm, I've made one friend that was the kid I bumped into when you guys were embarrassing me." Mineta said as his aunt let out a cheeky giggle, 'He also has all the same classes as me so we talked a lot." Mineta explained with a yawn. "Well alright, we'll drop off your suitcase tomorrow, goodnight." Jessica said.

Mineta yawned out a goodnight before hanging up the phone and going to bed, calling it a night at his first day of school.

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