Chapter 2 :: Tasks, tasks and...murders

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We were already far from earth. I was getting more comfortable walking around in the spaceship and doing tasks soon became my everyday life. About a week has passed. I didn't really communicate with the others since my room was the farthest from all and I would spend quite a lot of time getting ready. I just wanted everything to be perfect.

Of course I wasn't completely alone. That would have been hell. Saerom (purple) talked to me everyday. Not much but for me a "Good Morning, Good Night" is enough. However, lately she has been approaching me a lot. I find her company enjoying though, so I don't mind that. The others are really distant with me. I don't know why.

I was in Reactor, doing one of the most important tasks. Suddenly, I saw Ariadne (pink) running in the hallway between Reactor and Security. I rushed to go check up on her. I found her sitting in a corner in lower engine, looking traumatized. Oh no, I know that feeling...

"Ari ! Everything alright? I saw you running and...wait, are you crying !?" *I muttered. She looked at me with wide eyes, tears falling on her face. "I-I saw blood...someone's d-dead..."

I looked at her shocked. I didn't know what to say, what to feel. I shook my head and cleared up my mind, forgetting about the useless thoughts. I had some responsibilities and I would act like the adult I was.

"Let's go..." I grabbed her from the hand and helped her get up "This is a matter that should be discussed by everyone."

We rushed to the cafeteria and I pressed the emergency button immediately. Red lights filled the rooms and everyone was coming, looking absolutely worried.

I spoke since Ariadne was still crying.

- Crewmates...I called you here because, according to Ariadne, someone is dead.

Everyone looked at me surprised.

- It's true...I saw Lilly (yellow) on upper engine. She wasn't near any tasks, I checked. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except from the corpse lying on the floor. As much as I hate to even think about must have been a murder.

Surely, the would have been shocked but not at this level, right? They were looking at Ariadne with their mouths on the floor.

- One of us is a killer. And we should figure them out. Don't trust anyone, don't leave from a place alone or with another person. Always move in groups of 3 and more. Try to finish your tasks as quickly as possible so the spaceship will arrive at our destination quickly. We have to survive and carry out with our task.

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