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*hope yoi guys enojy 😈

                             You hate the cold water

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You hate the cold water.

Everyone began to drop their things off to start the search, but the area seemed deserted

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Everyone began to drop their things off to start the search, but the area seemed deserted. There were no statues whatsoever, so Senku had an amazing plan.

"Everyone's been swept quite a distance away." Gen spoke. Senku merely smirked, "We just need to dig them up," Senku then pulled out a weird looking stick that resembled. . .

"We will just have to mine them up with dynamite!" Senku finished.

Right, dynamite.

"No, that's a bad idea!" Chrome shouted. "You're just gonna destroy the statues!" Gen chimed in.

"Hey, but its for the tough-ass bedrock, but if we do blow up some statues. . .oh well!" Senku defended with a weird ass look. Based on the way Yuzuriha responded to that, you concluded she had been fixing any shattered statues with some sort of glue.

Honestly, your really far behind.

And just like that, everyone had agreed to use the dynamite. After all, mining would have taken a lot longer and with stronger tools too.

Everybody hid behind a small crater nearby the just lit dynamite, you had a crazed look on your face. "Look, I get your smart and all, but during the stone age you were able to create dynamite?" You shouted as the thing exploded.

"Don't underestimate me toes, remember, I can kill you with science if I really wanted too." Senku smirked.

"Was that a threat, or. .?" You asked with a deadpanned look on your face. "If so Senku, just know that I could kill you with my toes if I really wanted too." You added as you rolled your eyes while crossing your arms.

Senku just placed his pinkie in his ear, "Just for that, your going to do the digging." he sarcastically remarked.

Gen and the others watched the whole thing happen, "Y/n-chan, out of all the things to kill Senku with, it would be your toes? You silly girl! Senku is not that weak--" Gen started until he was cut off by you.

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