tell the truth

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you've been dating mac for just over a year now. from what you know, he works at a think tank. sometimes his job requires him to be away for longer periods of time. you were becoming suspicious though because he always left, and when he come back it is usually really late at night. you didn't want it to be true, but you thought that maybe he is cheating on you. he just seemed to be hiding something. right now mac was home. it is 8:00 am. you were cuddling with him in bed. but then his phone starts ringing. he quickly gets out of the bed, picks up the phone, walks out of the room, then answers. you decide to try and listen in so you stand up and head towards the bedroom door. when you get there all you hear is "okay, i'll be right there" mac then walks towards the bathroom to get ready. you were sad to say the least. today was supposed to be the day where you hung out together all day. but i guess not anymore. he comes out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. "sorry baby but i got called into work, we will reschedule or day together, okay?" he asks. "fine, whatever" you respond shortly, going back to your bed. he was going to give you a kiss before he left but didn't want to bother you when you were trying to sleep, so he just left. it was later in the evening and you were waiting for mac to get home. you had time to talk to him- if he was cheating you felt that you have the right to know. you sat around waiting for him to come home. it is now around 2 in the morning and you hear the door open. in walks mac. "baby, what are you still doing up?" mac asks. "please just don't- where have you been? have you been cheating on me?" you ask. "you think i would cheat on you?" mac asks kind of hurt. "how else would you explain the fact that you always say you are leaving for work- at a think tank! and not coming back until late hours of the night or early hours of the morning! please, i'm begging you! just be honest with me" you reply sounding defeated. mac stayed silent for a moment. mac was debating on whether he should tell you the truth or not, knowing it may put you in danger or get him in trouble. "okay, y/n i'm going to tell you something that you are never allowed to tell anyone about."  mac states nervously. you toll your eyes thinking that mac is just being dramatic. "hey, i'm being dead serious right now" mac says with a straight face. "fine, just tell me" you state coldly. " i work for a top secret government service, i go out and stop dangerous people, i didn't tell you because i didn't want to put you in danger" mac adds. you were rather speechless. "um- who all knows?" you question. "well, bozer, jack, and riley are my coworkers, and matty is my boss." mac explains. "so everyone knew. was i not trustworthy? cause i feel i have done nothing for you to assume that you could not trust me." you state sadly. "no, no that's not it, it was just meant to stay top secret. "you know what, i'm just glad you didn't cheat on me- i love you mac" you smile. "i love you too hun"

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