Chaos amidst Finland

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HELSINKI, FINLAND. 26th of September, 1983

After he had opened the closest door to the staircase, he didn't knew what would Sorsa explain to him...That's how he was feeling after a fast call from the Goverment Palace to the small apartment of Tino made him to reach the official building at high hours of the night...

The 26 of September has been a fateful day... thought Tino, who was a bit asleep when the emergency meeting hold by his Prime Minister, Kalevi Sorsa, in the Government Palace (Valtioneuvoston linna), some minutes after  the event known later as Doomsday.

"Tino... thanks for meet me too early", said Sorsa, giving the Nation a cup of coffee after he entered the room.

"Kiitos, Prime Minister... I had been awaken since the blast on Tallin...I hope that Estonia had survived..." 

Sorsa was stressful, walking around the room, and without news of the president, so he was thinking the worst for Mauno Koivisto.

"We will discuss what happened to your friend who was a part of the Soviet Union later..."

"As you knew, our President Mauno Koivisto was in Washington DC at the outbreak of the attacks. He had spoken that day at a meeting of the IMF, and was to go to the next day for a summit at the United Nations. By the time he was alerted that Soviet missiles were inbound, he attempted a last time phone call to contact the chief of defence Lauri Sutela, sadly enough the last sound of Mauno being "He..." before getting cut of and all contact lost."

"Sorry for not answering before... I was awakened at 4:15 in the morning. You must be informed that the nuclear annihilation of the world had begun and that, with Koivisto out of the country and likely dead, he was Acting President under Finnish law and was responsible for deciding the country's response. After that, I immediately sought contact with the Soviet and American  embassies in Helsinki." -explained Sorsa-

As his aides sought explanations from the equally stunned ambassadors, Sorsa made contact with Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden. Both nations were spared in the nuclear holocaust, but both were already feeling the effects of radioactive fallout and electromagnetic pulse. 

Finland asked about Sweden, which Sorsa told him that both Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden, and the country was alive. "Perkele...Tuo venäläinen paskiainen..." -said the nation, after knowing the strikes on Estonia, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark- "Thank god... At least he (Sweden) is safe...", said Tino.

While the Finnish cities were spared from nuclear devastation, some tracts of Finnish land became irradiated. This was especially common in the southern part of the nation, where nuclear blasts on Tallinn and Leningrad were really close to the Finnish border.

Following the atomic strikes, some electronic technology was damaged, but enough tech remained active throughout the crisis that the government-owned radio Yleisradio, could send regular news briefings. Radios were distributed throughout the later established refugee camps. 

As part of his duties as a Nation, Timo decided to help on the Yleisradio as a volunteer... to save everyone he could...

 to save everyone he could

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