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The story starts with 2 girls, Amelia and Charlotte, who were best friends. Charlotte was a psychic medium and Amelia was a lower-level psychic. They were really interested in ghosts and ancient things, always searching the internet to find such things. One day, they found a Japanese doll on an unknown site. they were attracted to the doll but Charlotte had a strange feeling about it. They ordered it right away without seeing the sentence right below it: “This item’s history is connected with paranormal activities”. They got the doll delivered after 20 days. Just a few hours after receiving it, Amelia experienced a nightmare and sleep paralysis. In her nightmare, there were three sinister dolls and Amelia was wearing three protective crystal bracelets. each doll broke one bracelet and when the third doll moved forward to break the third one, Amelia woke up. She immediately messaged Charlotte about it and asked her to come to her apartment. Charlotte rushed over but found she couldn’t enter; something was preventing her. She asked Amelia to exit, but Amelia was also unable to leave. They video call each other, and Charlotte asked Amelia to say, “I only want light around me.” Amelia felt the dark energy preventing her to speak even a single word but after much effort she managed to speak, the entity was banished for 15 minutes. Charlotte entered the apartment and told Amelia they needed to hurry and throw away the doll within 15 minutes. They got into the car and managed to dispose of the doll at a garbage area just in time. After all the chaos, they went to their apartments, slept for the night, and woke up at 2 pm the next day. To refresh their minds, they went for a walk outside. They found an ice cream shop, and Amelia asked for two chocolate ice creams. But Charlotte suddenly said, “No I want butterscotch flavor.” Amelia was a little confused as chocolate was charlotte’s favorite flavor. When Amelia asked Charlotte why she chose butterscotch, Charlotte said she wanted to try something new. They continued walking down the street. Amelia started wondering why Charlotte chose butterscotch instead of her favorite flavor.

Suddenly Amelia saw a fortune teller shop and felt drawn to it. She went in and paid to know her fortune.
The fortuneteller told her that something was coming to her.
Charlotte was waiting for Amelia outside the shop. 
Charlotte told Amelia that she wasn’t  feeling well and wanted go back to her apartment. Amelia insisted on accompanying her, and they went to Charlotte’s place. Charlotte’s condition worsened. Amelia asked if she was okay, and Charlotte said she was fine, but Amelia decided to bring her some medicine. After returning with the medicine, Amelia instructed Charlotte to take it after dinner and then went back to her apartment. Later, Amelia texted Charlotte to check if she had taken the medicine but got no reply. Concerned, she went to Charlotte’s apartment, rang the doorbell several times,but there was no answer. She tried calling but received no response. Remembering she had a spare key, she let herself in and found that Charlotte wasn’t there. As a psychic, Amelia felt compelled to go to the area where they had thrown the doll. She rushed there and saw Charlotte standing near the spot, staring at the doll. Suddenly, Charlotte fainted and the doll disappeared. Amelia rushed to carry Charlotte to the car. Frightened, she took Charlotte back to her apartment and put her to bed. She saw Charlotte frightened by something in her sleep she tried waking her up but failed After a lot of attempts She tried to wake her up by sprinkling water on her face and it worked, Charlotte gasped for air as she woke up. When Amelia asked what happened, Charlotte insisted she was fine. Sensing negative energy around Charlotte, Amelia asked if she needed anything, but Charlotte said she was alright and told Amelia to get some sleep.

Charlotte and Amelia went to their office and started working on their laptops. The Boss was checking the employee’s work and, noticing Charlotte’s poor performance, asked her to come to his office. He pointed out that she wasn’t doing her work properly. Charlotte apologized and explained that she hadn’t been feeling well. The boss told her to take the day off. Charlotte left the office, and Amelia, having overheard the conversation, asked Charlotte what happened. Charlotte dismissed it, telling Amelia to focus on her own work. Amelia felt both sad and angry, as it was the first time Charlotte had spoken to her so rudely. She didn’t say anything further and went home after work, eating ramen and watching TV. Amelia received a call from Charlotte. Initially reluctant to answer, She eventually did, and Charlotte apologized for her behavior at office, explaining that she was upset after being scolded by the boss. Amelia forgave her, and they decided to go for a night out the next day. They planned to go to a café to relax. While walking on the street, a dog started barking at Charlotte. Amelia went to find something to chase the dog away, and while she was gone, Charlotte gave the dog a deadly look, causing it to flee. They went to the café and ordered two cappuccinos. Amelia went to the bathroom and encountered a little girl who asked if she was with someone. When Amelia said she was with her best friend, the girl warned her to be cautious and left. Amelia didn’t think much of it, assuming the girl was just a child. Later, Amelia was reading a book when her doorbell rang. She found Charlotte at her door with pizza for both of them. They went to the living room and started watching a movie. Suddenly, Amelia looked at Charlotte’s face and screamed.

To Be Continued …



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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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