Into the Shadowslands

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The long and arduous journey to the Shadowlands took Arin, Finnegan, and Vesper through the dense Wyrmwood Forest where the trees became more twisted and gnarled with each step they took at every turn whilst once vibrant now grew darker cold had a palpable sense of foreboding about it.

"We're almost there," Vesper said softly as he looked around with keen sight."It's only over those hills that we find The Shadowlands."

With her staff gripped tightly, Arin nodded. She had it for both support during a walk and as an effective means of protection, with comforting tough wood. Near one of her shoulders, Finnegan chirped quietly rather than being his typical chirpy self.

Upon reaching the peak of the hill, they saw a sudden change in the scenery. The Shadowlands now spread far enough that it was hard to see the end. The land appeared flat and empty. The ground opened to reveal an endless blanket of darkness that shivered with malice beneath their feet.

"Please be careful." Vesper cautioned "Minions of the sorcerer can be found onboard."

Slowly they walked, every step with care. Arin had a feeling of fear coming over her; she however pushed this feeling away concentrating on what she was doing. It was the light cast by the Heart of the Forest that acted as their guide in this darkness.

The arduous terrain transformed hours into days for them. In this place, still existed bizarre monsters which had survived the atrocities of a magician; the group was able to escape most of them or secure themselves out. They kept on moving towards the central parts of Darkville, where every step drew tangibly heavier and thicker air of dark power.

One night, while gathered around a small magic fire that Vesper had created, they heard some noise from afar. Although Arin's heart was racing, she didn't move, and she was very attentive.

A figure cloaked in dark robes stepped out of the shadows, his eyes glowing with an eerie light and his presence radiating a sense of overwhelming power. They had been discovered by the sorcerer.

"So, it seems that the heroes from Eldenwood wilderness would like to meet me," sneered the wizard with contempt evident in every bit of his voice. "Do you really think you can prevent me?"

On her feet, Arin held her rod in front of her. "Yes! We will stop you" she said resolutely, without any hesitation. "You will not put our home in obscurity."

The wizard laughing; he gave a chilling laugh since there was nothing cheerful about it. "You are a courageous one young baker, however courage alone will not help you avoid this fate"

In one swift motion, the magician brought forth a black wave crashing down on them. Arin prepared herself, yet Vesper was faster and produced a shield made out of light in order to repel the attack.

"Go, Arin!" Vesper shouted. "Finnegan and I will hold him off!"

At first Arin delayed before she turned into action by the force of Vesper's voice upon her to go. Quickened by the heart's might, her batten aglow, she ran helter-skelter for the sorcerer. Therefore, Finnegan whizzed around the sorcerer diverting his attention through fast hacks.

As she approached, Arin received a great deal of power coming from the forest heart. The gem's magic passed through her and made her very strong and determined. He hit the sorcerer hard, sending out waves of light that were clear and bright.

The magician screamed-his body flickered and then twisted before Arin taking the advantage swing her staff imbued with Heart's power-the light becoming brighter and brighter until an enveloping all vision blinding bomb.

As soon as the light disappeared, the wizard could not be seen anymore and his black presence faded away into thin air. The Shadowlands appeared to be moving back as the oppressive atmosphere lightened somewhat.

Panting but victorious, Arin turned to see unharmed Vesper and Finnegan who were standing near him. Those two had successfully dealt with the evil sorcerer, hence no more threat from him.

On looking about them, they reckoned that their journey had not ended yet because the Shadowlands were places where dangers lurked and their work was just starting.

"Take us back to Eldenwood," said Arin, her voice filled with resolve. "It's about time we regrouped and strategized on our next moves."

Arin took her friends back home, carrying a glowing Heart of the Forest, prepared to confront every challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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