he fell harder. (angst?)

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Todorokis pov

"I like you." I stared at him like he was crazy as he looked me in the eyes while saying, i was star-struck, and i smiled as the wind blew through my hair

"Oh bakugo, you're a man, you can't be serious, right?" Bakugo looked at me and sighed, "yeah." He said calmly, i looked at him for a while and realized he was serious. i reached for his hands, and he slapped my hand off

I stared at my hand and then at bakugo as he turned to leave.

'Bakugo, wait! I...i like you too!' At least that's what i wanted to say.

The door opened loudly and i suddenly woke up from my nap, i looked around and saw no one was there, but me.

I could hear bakugos growl from behind me. "Why are you still here? You half assed bastard! " i flinched and looked at bakugo

"They stopped me from going back to the dorms just to wake your lazy ass up! Get up and drop dead!" Bakugo yelled, i smiled and stood up, packing my things, i carried my bag and followed bakugo out of the school

"Hey bakugo, can i ask you something?" bakugo stopped his track and turned to look at me."Remember when you confessed 2 years ago when we were in 1st year high school?

Bakugo flinched and tsked "what about it?" I looked at bakugo and gripped my bag strap."Do you... still like me!?" There was that moment of awkward silence

It's so awkward that i can even hear the wind blows. For a few seconds, as i sighed, bakugo replied with, "No." I flinched and looked directly at bakugo, hoping he would...change his reply

"What..?" Bakugo didn't replied and my heart beat faster. "Why!?" I yelled, bakugo, and i flinched, i can't believe i would get this upset with something i never acknowledged

"What do you mean why? Do i really need a reason not to like you? You're pretty annoying and barely move and talk. I just wasn't that interested anymore." He boldly said and walked away, i was shocked and...hurt?

I dont know what's happening to me. i just feel quite sad about this situation. Over the past 2 years, i never really thought about bakugo in a romantic way, i always thought he was just a friend...

The next day was the usual but somehow different, for the past years of me and bakugo being 'friends' i never really noticed how good his features look, ho handsome he could be, and how beautiful and petite his body was.

I spent the whole day admiring bakugo, thinking how did i not notice such beauty, how can i waste someone that beautiful,

While walking, i saw bakugo at the gate and thought maybe he was waiting for....me? But i was quickly struck with reality as kaminari and kirishima ran past me to bakugo, i sighed, and tokoyami patted my back. He was with iida, and i felt a little comfort.

"What's wrong, todoroki?" I shrugged. "It's no -" Before i could even finish, iida interrupted me, "Whatever it is, i hope it is not as better as getting sleep for our practice tomorrow!"Me and tokoyami nodded, and we walked back to the dorm.

Now that i think about it, i never acknowledged how close midoriya and bakugo are, It's...entoxicating. iida invited me to the living room, but i wasn't feeling well and refused,

As i walked to the elevator, bakugo followed me. "o-oh bakug-" bakugo interrupted me with a tsk, and i just ignored him the rest of the time we were on the elevator. He went to his room, and i went to mine changing into my pajamas,

I sat on my futon, looking at the wall, thinking how awkward i got, i had always been awkward, but i also felt shy about it..?

I just sighed and went to bed, i woke up in the middle of the afternoon and looked at my Callender, then sighed 'oh it's saturday' i thought, i stood up and was lucky to be the only one in the dorms today,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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