Will you come?

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Beloved, will you come with me, 
To my deep green-shaded home? 
Where southern winds caress your hair, 
And clouds rejoice in their roam. 

Step onto this soil so warm, 
Embraced by softness and love. 
Where bougainvillea blooms in charm, 
Scent of pinwheel flowers above. 

I'll greet you under winter's dew, 
Midday sun upon your cheek. 
Twilight's hues paint the view, 
Evening's chirps and winds we'll speak. 

Moonlit silence, a tranquil night, 
Filled with love and conversations bright. 
In sheets of sleep, a peaceful rest, 
Morning brings another quest. 

Will you come to this place with me, 
Of forgotten peace and rusted pace, 
In the cottage of sungrass glee, 
Just for a fleeting moment's grace? 

Will you come, my dear, in this embrace, 
To this abode of light and shadow's trace?

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