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That first day after he found himself in another world, he noticed something else peculiar: his reflection in the mirror.

He looked totally different from his messy dark hair and blue eyes. Golden curls that parted naturally from the right side of his head. His heart skipped a few beats. Incredulous. He was staring at the face of Minh.

However, the similarities end there. Instead of Minh's warm brown eyes, the brooding eyes staring back at him were the shade of blue-grey that he'd never seen before. His face was broader than he remembered, and he seemed to have grown several inches since the last time he'd checked. The clothes he was wearing - a pair of school uniforms he found hanging in the wardrobe - weren't his own; they were too tight and ill-fitting.

A photograph on the dresser showed two identical teenagers, standing with their arms across each other's shoulders. A noirette woman in business suit and a man in a khaki overalls and wearing a white helmet, stood behind them.

The house was silent, but he could hear the sounds of a school bus outside. He followed the noise and eventually found himself at the front door. A piece of paper stuck out from underneath it, and he recognized it as a note from his parents. They were gone on a trip, and they'd left him and Inyan in the care of their older brother.

He glanced at his watch and saw that he was already late for school. With a sigh, he hurried down the driveway and hopped onto the bus just as it pulled away from the curb. The other students, who were mostly younger than him, gave him curious glances as he found a seat near the back. He didn't have time to worry about that, though. He had more important things to think about, like how he was going to explain everything to his brothers and how they were going to fix this mess.

As the bus pulled up to the school, he took a deep breath and gathered his courage. He'd survived battles before; he could handle this. He stepped off the bus and walked towards the entrance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Inside the school, the hallways were bustling with students, and the smell of sweaty teenagers and cafeteria food filled the air. He received curious glances from the boys that made his heart beat faster and flirty smiles from some girls which did nothing to his heart. He eventually found his way to his first period class and took a seat near the back. As the teacher droned on about history, he tried to pay attention while also wondering how he was going to explain everything to Inyan, who was currently studying at a different high school. A boarding school for those pursuing their artistic ambition.

At lunch, he found a quiet spot in the library and pulled out his phone to call his brother. The phone was new to him, and he struggled with the touch screen for a moment before finally dialing the number. After a few rings, Inyan answered.

"Hey, wazzup, bro? This is a surprise."

"Oh, h-hi," Kalik stammered. He didn't quite know what to say to his supposed twin. He said the first thing that came to mind. "Why is that?"

A chuckle. "Dude, you never called. Is everything alright? Mom and Dad OK?"

"Um, they left a note . . . "

"Out of town again!" There was a sigh. "Is Shen at home? His uni ended a week ago." Shen was their older brother who was currently studying Animation at Metroville University.

"I - I don't know. I haven't seen him -"

Somebody called Inyan's name. "Hey, listen. I gotta go. Finals next week then I'm home. Later, bro." The call was ended.

Kalik stared at his phone for several seconds before putting it away in his trousers pocket.

The rest of the day passed slowly, and before he knew it, the final bell rang. Kalik gathered his things and hurried out of class, eager to figure out what to do next. As he walked through the hallways, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. He'd expected this to be a normal high school, but there was an air of danger and secrecy that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He just hoped that whatever it was, he'd be able to handle it.

A woman's voice called his name. When he turned, the school secretary said, "Kalik Philter, you are wanted at The Principal office."

It took his several intake of breaths before he plucked the courage to enter Mrs Kakari's office. After the initial Greetings, she got down to business.

"I have been searching for a suitable tutor for my girls. You have outstanding achievements. You're just what the girls needed."

His breathing hitched. "M-Ma'am?"

"I know it's rather late for this request. The finals are around the corner. I just don't want them to be retained in the same year. Of course, I will pay for your services. Please, Mister Philter?"

He was left with no choice. He nodded. The meeting place was decided. After school the next day.

That evening, Kalik went for a walk. He found the playground, used mostly by young kids with mothers. He chose a spot, a quiet corner of the park. He sat down on a bench, taking in the new surroundings. He was still confused and felt conflicted. The park was larger than either of them had expected, with winding paths and hidden nooks. It was easy to get lost here, which didn't help with his nerves, so unlike his former assertive self. He couldn't help but feel like he was missing something important, like there was a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Someone stopped in front of him. He looked up to see a petite girl not much older than himself, wearing a matching running attire with her belly button exposed. "Kalik Philter, right?" she said matter of factly. "I have a letter for you."

Kalik didn't hide his surprise as he accepted the brown envelope.

"Everything in there will explain why you're here," she said cryptically. "See you around."

Before he could say anything, she took off running without a backward glance.

With slightly trembling hands, he ripped open the envelope. He was about to take out several neatly printed pages when he was interrupted.

"Kalik!" A tall stout boy with dark skin and thick-framed glasses gave him a friendly thumb on his upper arm. His expression registered amazement. "Woah. When did you start working out, dude?"

Kalik shrugged. He offered a small smile. His memory told him that the boy's name was Kadek, but he was better known as Hyang. A year older. They went to the same school. Joined the same Otaku Game Club. He was also the President of the IT Club.

"Mind if I join you?"

Kalik shook his head and scooted over to make more room for his well-built-towards-tubby friend. They sat in silence for a moment, watching some dogs playfully chasing each other on the grass. He glanced at his friend, wondering what he was seeing and thinking.

As if reading his mind, Hyang spoke up. "You know, there's something off about this place. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I get the feeling that we're not the only ones who've swapped bodies."

Kalik raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"

Hyang nodded. "I don't know for sure, but it's just a feeling I have. And the more I think about it, the more I think we should find out what's going on."

"What do you mean?"

Hyang considered this for a moment. "Let's start by asking around. See if anyone knows anything about anything strange happening."

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