Love and Hope

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It was early in the morning when Bandit heard knocking on the door. "Chilli, can you get the door?" He asked his wife, Chilli. "Yeah alright." Chilli said as she walked towards the door. She opened it to see a 18 year old border collie named Mackenzie. Mackenzie was a fine young collie who had a knack for fixing problems.

"Hello Mackenzie, how can I help you?" Chilli asked. "Well Mrs. Chilli, I need to talk to you and Mr. Bandit." Mackenzie said anxiously. "Oh?" Chilli pondered. "Oh, quick question: Is bluey still asleep?" Mackenzie asked. "Well yes she is. Meet us at the couch Bandit!" She yelled to the kitchen. "Alright love!" Bandit replied, trying to finish his French toast as quickly as possible.

Chilli and Mackenzie were sitting on the couch when Bandit walked in. "Well Mackenzie, how can we help you?" Bandit asked as he sat down. "Well Mr and Mrs heeler..." He froze. "Well?" Bandit asked impatiently. "Bandit." Chilli said and elbowed her husband. "I will say it straight: I like you daughter." Mackenzie said. Bandit looked at him suspiciously. "Oh I see. Well what makes you think you're good enough for her?" He asked. Chilli was disturbed at Bandit's approach but didn't say anything because she knew how fathers get when their daughters like guys.

"Well, Mr Bandit, I am a good planner, I was told that I'm smart, I'm strong, and I'm full of love." Mackenzie said defensively. "Well those are good reasons. Hmm... Let's talk about why you are telling us today. You have to be planning something, right?" Bandit questioned. "Yes sir. I said I'm a good planner, I've been planning for 2 months." Mackenzie said. "Oh that is good." Chilli added, intriguingly. "So what have you planned so far? Before anything, I need to know how you think." Bandit told the collie.

"Well, sir, let's start 2 months ago:
I was laying in my bed trying to sleep, but I couldn't. My head was running all over the place because of a certain heeler. Earlier that day Bluey and I were talking and my eyes started to notice her beauty: Her wonderfully curved snout, her beautiful pointy ears, and her attitude is so attractive... Anyways, I was trying to sleep and her image just wouldn't leave my head." Mackenzie said.

"What did you do then?" Chilli questioned, she was on the edge of her seat. "Yes what then?" Bandit added, still suspicious. "Well after I layed there for a few more minutes, I realized the truth, I am in love. After this realization, I went over to my computer to find out what to do next. It wasn't until I turned off my computer that I realized that the only thing I could do is plan a date. I turned my computer back on and found places to go and things to do. I even traced weather patterns so we wouldn't be in the rain. I also downloaded her favorite music to my car so we can listen to something as we drive." Mackenzie said.

"So you're asking to take her on a date?" Bandit asked. "Yes sir." Mackenzie replied. "Continue please." Chilli said. "So I planned a big date: First we go to a nice, new steak house in the city because I know how much Bluey likes steak. Then after that, we will go hiking up the east mountain up to the peak, there I'll ask her if she will be my girlfriend. Trust me, this plan is very gently played out. It all rides on your answer." Mackenzie went serious. "Will you please let me and Bluey go on a date?" He asked.

"Well, I will let Chilli decide." Bandit said and looked at his wife. "You may take her on one date. After that, Bluey can decide for herself if she wants to be with you. Follow me Mackenzie. I need to see how much more you've planned." Chilli said. She stood up and walked behind the couch that Bandit and Mackenzie were sitting on. She accidentally knocked something over which made a loud crash when it hit the ground. "AAHHH!!!" Mackenzie squealed and jumped up. He was breathing heavily. "Hehehe that was good." Bandit said. "Sorry Mackenzie, are you ok?" Chilli asked. Mackenzie calmed a bit. "Yeah I'm ok, just a bit shaken. C'mon I'll explain my plan with you." He said. "You sure?" Chilli questioned worriedly. "Yeah. Happens more often than I would like to admit." He reassured her.

"Hey, I thought your PTSD was resolved. Plus I didn't think that made you jumpy." Bandit said curiously. Mackenzie looked a bit uncomfortable. "Bandit!" Chilli said angrily. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." She reassured Mackenzie. "No no it's not PTSD, I'm just naturally jumpy." He said, still a bit uncomfortable. "Don't worry. We won't tell." Chilli said as she patted Mackenzie's shoulder. He smiled.

"So, tell us the plan." Bandit ushered, impatiently. The group walked to the kitchen. "Well we would leave at 4:30 to the steak place. We get there around 5 and get seated, we stay at the steak house until 6:30 and that's when we leave for the mountain. We hike for about 45 minutes to the top. We sit there and look at the city and the stars until I finally ask the question." Mackenzie explained. Chilli looked at him with a smirk. "You really have planned this out." She said, "Thank you. Remember, you can't tell Bluey. Please don't let her find out until tonight." Mackenzie pleaded. "Don't worry bud," Bandit started. "I want to see how this plays out. My lips are sealed." He said. "As are mine." Chilli added. "Thanks." Mackenzie said. They heard a thump then footsteps from upstairs. "That's Bluey!" Chilli stated. "Are you sure? What if it's bingo?" Mackenzie asked. "Oh trust us, after 16 years, we know whose footsteps are who's." Bandit said jokingly.

"Hide, quickly." Chilli ordered. Mackenzie speedily hid in a closet as Bluey emerged from the doorway into the kitchen. "Morning mum... Hi dad." She said as she walked over to her parents and hugged them. "Morning love." The parents said in unison.

Bluey started sniffing around. "What are you sniffing Bluey?" Chilli asked, trying to act natural. "I smell something... *sniffs* it smells like... *sniffs* ew it smells like boys." She said disgusted. She sniffed some more. "Not just any boy, *sniffs* face paint, dirt... *sniffs* sheep!" Bluey realized what the smell was and looked at her parents suspiciously. "What was Mackenzie doing here?" She asked nonchalantly. "Oh he just came to get some... uh... curry." Chilli tried to convince Bluey. "Are you sure? You seem pretty distracted. What time did he leave?" Bluey asked suspiciously. "Uh... well... you just missed him." Chilli said awkwardly. "Right, well then, nothing planned today. Maybe we can hang out and watch some cricket dad." Bluey suggested. "Really? That would be great." Bandit responded. Chilli glared at Bandit, he gave a sorry look. "First, I have to clean myself up. I'll be back." Bluey said then ran upstairs.

"Hurry Mackenzie, you have to get out before she finishes." Chilli urged. "Right!" Mackenzie said before running toward the door. "Bye! See you at 4:30!" He said. "See you." Chilli replied. Mackenzie ran out the door, and to his car.

"What was he doing here?" A 16 year old Bingo asked. "Oh... uh... Ok I guess it's ok if we tell her. Right?" Chilli asked and looked at Bandit. "I guess." Bandit said. "Come here Bingo." Chilli told her daughter. "Uh ok." Bingo said and reluctantly walked to her parents and hugged them.

"So what was Mackenzie doing here?" Bingo asked as she sat on the couch. "Well Bingo, Mackenzie likes Bluey. He was asking to take Bluey on a date." Chilli explained. Bingo's eyes went wide. "Oh I see. Wow, I never thought that he would like her." Bingo remarked. "Me neither but here we are." Bandit said grumpily. "I'm guessing I need to keep it a secret?" Bingo questioned. "That's right." Chilli agreed.

Bluey walked back downstairs. "C'mon dad, the game's about to start." Bluey told Bandit. "Coming!" He yelled. The two sat on the couch and turned the tv on and to cricket.

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