the start of a beginning

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Max pov:
So yeah, I am back at this shitty camp. Oh well, it's better here than at home, I guess."Hey, max over here,"neil and nikky shouted out to me."coming guys,"i replied to them as I started heading to them."I heard a new girl is meant to be showing up today," said Neil.i couldn't really care that someone new is coming here unless the person was actually cool so I just went to David and asked if I could go with him to ask if I could meet the new person first handed he said yes like I thought he would David is just too kind even for himself so yeah.i am trying to keep my mind of off the fact I still have no activity in my files nor anything maybe if my parents did actually care maybe then I would have something in it but then again life sucks so can't do much.

Y/n's pov:
Today is my first day at this camp Campbell place as my parents didn't want to deal with me this summer to be honest I just hope I don't meet someone who is a brat tbh I rather someone who dosent give a shit about much,tbh I haven't actually found anyone like me so that's just me I did hear that the camp has lots of places but tbh I have no activity chart recorded so I don't.. have a camp I actually ment to be iam probably gonna be alone...oh well time to go on the bus

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