The Language of Magic

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Chapter 10 (A Letter from Hogwarts), Chapter 11 (A Nundu Core), Chapter 12 (Talismans and The Sorting Hat), Chapter 13 (First Week, Talisman, and Snakes), Chapter 14 (New Friends and A Troll), Chapter 15 (A Thunder Bird), and Chapter 16 (A Voice in the Magic) are already available for Patrons.

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"Harry, why are we here again?" The Professor asked quietly, audibly only for the two of them as the Potter boy pushed the shopping cart, walking through the muggle market.

Harry snickered at the way the old Professor looked around the place; he figured she had never been in a muggle market before in her life. Itisa let out a cute meow from the cart. Since they had gotten hold of the cart, she had jumped on it and let Harry drive her around. Many muggles cooed at the sight of the Nundu, but Itisa got defensive every time one of them tried to scratch her ears.

"To buy food, Professor. If I'm going to live with the Tonks from now on, I want to pay for my own food. They still don't know what I like to eat, so I figured I could come here, and since you happened to be there. You wouldn't mind coming along." Harry answered her question as they finally reached the food section of the supermarket. He made sure to get everything he needed, but he reminded himself to get vegetables, including fruits he liked eating, like oranges and peaches. Even if Aunt Petunia had barely ever taught him anything, she had at least taught him what he needed to eat to be healthy since the vegetables were always cheaper than whatever Dudley ate to become like an elephant.

"I don't mind, Harry, but I have never been in a place like this," The Professor mumbled under her breath as Harry grabbed several jars with something red and dark inside. She didn't know what they were filled with, but she found that she didn't mind this place. It was a little too bright, but that was the only thing she didn't like.

"This is how muggles shop, Professor. They don't have spells or anything to make things fly on their hands." Harry said jokingly while keeping his voice down, now wanting anyone to hear them.

Minerva wanted to retort that things didn't fly in their hands like that without the use of a spell, but she decided to ask something else. "Tonks have enough food for you too. Why are you taking so much?" She asked softly as she followed him around. She got many odd looks from the muggles but ignored them as she noticed that Harry had yet to answer her question; his cart was full, almost overflowing with food.

"Harry," Minerva repeated his name, this time a little louder, but he acted as if he didn't even hear her; when it struck Minerva, she realized why he was trying to buy so much food.

"Harry," she stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. The cart started riding away, but the boy quickly grabbed hold of it.

"Tonks will not try to starve you, Harry. They are good people." Minerva tried to reassure him, but the boy quickly shook her hand away from his shoulder before turning to face her, and only now she realized how cold his eyes could sometimes be.

"Professor, I have never met these people, and the only experience I have with them is them trying to kill Itisa," Harry said bitterly and continued when Minerva opened her mouth to defend them. "I know what you want to say, but right now, the only adult I trust to some degree is you."

Minerva didn't know what to say to that. She felt touched to hear that, but she wanted him to know there were many other adults he could trust, including the family he would stay with from now on; she knew Harry had told her that he would stay in that house only for a few months, before moving somewhere else, but she was hoping that he would change his mind eventually, she didn't know all the details of his childhood, but she didn't need to know all of them to know Harry had no friends beside Itisa. With his desire to read books and the way he would sink into them, she knew they were the only things he had to spend time on; it was no wonder the first thing Harry wanted to buy in Diagon Alley were books.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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