Grit of Odyssey (Thirty Nine)

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Michael didn't say anything, he wasn't interested in the ramblings of a lunatic, all he cared about were the quiet whimpers coming from his girl.
What would this do to Diane?

Of all the times for the deranged to act on her threats, she had to do it when he was with Diana Ross. How terrible was that?
His hands were still wrapped around her when the sirens came into earshot.

"The game is over, Penny"

"Don't talk to my friend like that!"

The high pitched voice ordered him. It was Jess this time.

"I told her not to kill you, but now. . . you better watch your back Michael."

Bill shoved her face closer to the ground again.

"Shut up!"

He hated that she was still fighting, probably scaring Diana and Michael to death.

Michael couldn't see Diana's eyes as she hid her face in the crook of his neck, but he could feel her terror. His chest heaved from the adrenaline coursing through him. He heard the police now, heard them running from their vehicles toward them.

The one who arrived first drew his gun.

"Police! Freeze."

His eyes met Michael's and then Bill's.

"We've got it from here."

Bill rolled off the woman and ran to them.

"Are you ok?"

They both looked out of breath, even in the shadows beneath the trees, he could see their faces all pale. Diana nodded. Too shaken to speak, as she convulsed uncontrollably.

"Shh" Michael put his lips to her forehead.

"It's alright, the police have her."

"She . . . she was going to kill us" He tucked her head against his chest and smoothed her hair.

"It's over Baby. It's all over."

One of the officers came up to them.

"She admitted to stalking you and writing the letters sir"
He said to Michael then shifted his attention back to his notepad.

"Your security gave us the address to your vacation residence when he made the call. With your permission, we will have a couple of officers sent over to guard and take statements. One each from all three of you."

He looked at Diane, whose face was still significantly hidden by Michael's body.

"Are you alright ma'am?"

"Yes" she mumbled.

"Okay, you are free to go."

He gave a disgusted look at the woman in handcuffs still on the ground.

Then he directed his attention back to them.

"I'm sorry about this. I guess it's the price of fame"

Michael nodded. He kept his arm around Diana and led her towards their lodgings.
The whole way, he whispered to her, assuring . . . promising her that the terror was behind them. Diane looked up at him for the first time since the incidence as they reached the door. Uncertainty written all over her expression.

The police officer had underlined the fact that everything was not okay, even though that was all he wanted to believe and also repeat to her until she believed it too.

The price of fame.Exactly what he didn't want Diana to think, but it was the truth. After tonight, how could he tell her anything different? They made it through the door before she turned to him.

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