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Gender: Trans Boy FTM

Age: 15

Height: 5'5

Hair color: H/C

Skin tone: S/T

Eye color: E/C

He will have snakebites and septum.



Gender: Girl

Age: 15

Height: 5'2

Hair color: Brown

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: light brown

Eye color: light brown

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Gender: Boy

Age: 16

Height: 6ft

Hair color: blonde

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: ocean blue

Eye color: ocean blue

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Gender: Boy

Age: 15

Height: 5'9

Hair color: auburn

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: yellow

Eye color: yellow

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Gender: Boy

Age: 15

Height: 5'9

Hair color: auburn

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: yellow

Eye color: yellow

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Mitsukuni "Honey"

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Height: 5'2

Hair color: honey blonde

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: Brown

I will be changing Honey's height! I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable making him that small, I'm making him 5'2 like Haruhi. He's my favorite character though so it's not that I hate Honey! (btw all the heights are from a Google search lol)

 He's my favorite character though so it's not that I hate Honey! (btw all the heights are from a Google search lol)

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Takashi "Mori"

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Height: 6'4

Hair color: black

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: grey

Eye color: grey

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Gender: Boy

Age: 16

Height: 5'11

Hair color: black

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: grey

Eye color: grey

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Comment who's your favorite and who you want to be the main love interest? (。'•ᴗ•̀。)

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