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High in the mountains of St. Aegolius, lived a kingdom of owls known as the Pure Ones. They were ruthless, power hungry beings that would stop at nothing to accomplish their goals of ruling the owl kingdoms. They were led by the High Lord Tyto Metalbeak, and his mate Queen Nyra. They believed that Tytos were the mightiest of all the owls, so they would have them as soldiers. While believing all other species were weak, 'impure' as they would say. So those deemed unworthy were enslaved to serve the Tytos. Only a few of the unworthy were chosen as 'takers', going around and kidnapping young owlets from their homes. They would soon be sorted into either a soldier or slave.

It seemed to be an ordinary day for them. Everyone was doing their duties, while Metalbeak was watching it all from his throne. A short time later, Nyra landed on the lower perch with the daily report. "My lord, everything is going according to plan. I've sent a group to find more owlets. Hopefully more soldiers, since most of the last group became pickers." She said,

"Yes, I would hope for the same." He agreed as he turned to face her. "Nyra, come with me. I wish to speak with you on a private matter." He said as he spread his wings and flew off his perch. "Of course," she responded quickly following him. The two flew in silence to their hollow. Once inside, Nyra spoke first. "My lord-"

"Nyra." He interrupted. "There's no need for formalities when we are alone." He said as he took off his mask and put it aside. She nodded her head, knowing he was right. There wasn't any need to be formal in their own home. Here, they were free to do what they pleased. Even show affection towards each other. "What did you need to speak with me about, Surtr? You seem troubled." She asked using his real name. He thought for a moment. He did have something on his mind, but she came first. He then turned to her before speaking. "Nyra, you have been acting differently lately. Is everything alright?" He said as he walked slowly towards her.

"I'm not sure what you mean." She quickly denied. He knew she was hiding something, so he pressed on. "You seem to be losing your temper more easily, your flying is a bit slow, you're not eating as much, and your breathing is labored. What is going on?" Nyra looked at him for a moment, then turned her head down. She was hiding something and wanted to tell him what she found out the other night. Seeing no way out of it, she started.

"Surtr, remember when we were talking about the Pure Ones future." He nodded in remembrance. "We're going to... to have." Nyra trailed off hesitating and looked to the ground. Surtr lifted his mate's chin with his claw to look her in the eye. Nyra took a deep breath and said, "we're going to have a hatching." She finished. His eyes widened in response. Nyra nodded. "Yes my lord. You're going to be a father."

Surtr couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stepped closer to Nyra. "I have an heir." He whispered unbelievingly. Nyra nuzzled him, "yes my darling. I know that's what is troubling you. Our little one will lead the new generation. So there's no need to worry anymore." Surtr couldn't believe his ears. He wrapped his wings around her and nuzzled her back in excitement. All his troubles were forgotten. He'll announce the news to his soldiers but right now he'd rather be here with her.

As he nuzzled his mate he thought. Would it be a boy or a girl? Normally a king would want a boy as an heir, so he can teach him everything he knows. But he also wouldn't mind a girl, she would be like her mother. It didn't matter to him, because the Pure Ones legacy will live on. As the weight of their conversation lifted, Surtr found himself overwhelmed with a newfound sense of joy and purpose. The worries that had plagued his mind were replaced with a deep sense of anticipation and pride. His wings enfolded Nyra, drawing her closer in a tender embrace, their hearts beating in synchrony.

"You're right, my love," Surtr murmured, his voice tinged with awe, "Our little one shall be the beacon of a new generation, carrying the legacy of the Pure Ones forward. With them, our power, our dreams, and our ideals shall endure." In that moment, the gender of their future heir became a secondary concern, for Surtr knew that regardless of whether it was a son or a daughter, their child would possess the strength, cunning, and resilience that defined the Pure Ones. The legacy of Metalbeak, their lineage, would flow through their veins, ensuring the continuation of their dominion. With renewed purpose and determination, Surtr made a silent vow to protect, nurture, and guide their progeny, ensuring they would grow to become a formidable leader, just as he and Nyra were. The weight of leadership, the responsibility of maintaining the Pure Ones power, now had an even greater purpose—a legacy that would transcend their own lifetimes.

As they savored this intimate moment, basking in the glow of their impending parenthood, Surtr felt a surge of gratitude for the partner at his side. Nyra, his mate and confidante, had always proven herself to be an unwavering pillar of strength. Now, as they embarked on this new chapter together, he knew they would face any challenge with unwavering resolve. In the days that followed, Surtr would indeed share the news with his loyal soldiers, for such an occasion demanded recognition and celebration. But for now, in the sanctuary of their hollow, he cherished the precious moments with Nyra, reveling in the knowledge that their legacy would endure, that the Pure Ones dominion would be perpetuated through the bloodline of Metalbeak.

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