Training Day pt 1

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In my dream I was flying high in the sky, above the clouds. As I breathed in the cold air, I saw another shadow beside me. I looked up and saw Kludd flying beside me. I couldn't help but smile. His brown feathers hit the light just right with his white feathers. It made him look handsome. His presence in my dream felt like a herald of a possible future, one that danced tantalizingly on the edge of reality.

The sun's rays greeted me as I awoke, a reminder of the waking world with its own beauty to behold. Usually I would be sleeping, having daydreams but only sometimes. I looked out to see the beautiful scenery. I had a daydream about Kludd. I can't stop thinking about him. Shaking off the sleep, I stepped out of the hollow and into the light, feeling the pull of responsibility calling me to the new recruits. I stretched my wings as I walked to the edge of the cave and dove down. As I became closer to the ground I opened up my wings and began to fly towards the direction of the new recruits to start training.

As I was flying, something was feeling off. For some reason my gizzard is telling me to check on the pickers. I flew down to one of the only slave-takers I trusted, Grimble. "Hello Grimble." He turned to me and smiled. "Hello princess, what brings you here?" I looked around to see if I could spot the young Tyto owlet. "Grimble, I want you to do me a favor. Can you make sure that the Tyto owl mustn't get special treatment because he refused to join us. He's a strong Tyto and can be great use for us, moonblinked or not." Grimble only chuckled and answered. "You mustn't need to worry about that. The young elf owl he was with figured it out what we were doing to the other owls. They didn't get moonblinked like the other pickers." He pointed with his wing down to where they were. I nodded in thanks to him and flew down near them. I landed on a rock and watched him. I started to listen in on their conversation.

"Soren! Where are we going now?" She whispers. "Gylfie. We need to act moonblinked." He whispered as he faked a blank expression like the others. 'Soren. So that's his name.' I thought to myself as we locked eyes for a split second. I then smirked as I got an idea. I waited until they got into the pelletorium, then followed them in. I flew through the entrance and saw Soren standing to the side with his friend. This is where I put my plan to action. It was a risk, but I had to try. I walked up to him. "So you resisted being moonblinked." I said with a smirk. "No one have ever done that before." Both turned to me, startled by my presence. Gyfie was still frightened by me. "You're that Pure One's daughter." She started. "Auryon," Soren finished. "I've come to give you a second chance, Soren. I could tell my mother what you went through. She'll be most impressed, so you won't have to be a picker." I said in a kind tone, hopefully to win him over. Soren looked at me like i was crazy, then he asked me. "Why do this? Why moonblink other owls to be slaves?"

"Isn't it obvious? The strong rule and the weak obey. We are Tytos, we are superior. Kludd seemed to understand that very well." I said to him. His eyes widened at the mention of his brother's name. "Where is my brother? What did you do to him?"

"Me? I did nothing at all. Don't worry, he's just fine. Your brother, Kludd, seems to have a good understanding of superiority," I countered, my voice firm and unwavering. "To rule through fear and force is hardly a sign of weakness, but of strength. True strength lies in power and desire." I paused to let those words sink in, before continuing. "I have come here, not to be your adversary, but to offer you redemption, Soren. Reject this little rebellion of yours and join us in the pursuit of a better tomorrow for all of us. You are a noble Tyto, not a lowly elf owl." Gyfie, still visibly shaken, glanced between the two of us, her gaze flickering with fear. Soren's stare remained locked on me, contemplating the choice that lay ahead. I could sense a change within his resolve slightly. I felt a glimmer of optimism that my words had made an impact. "You can still be one of us, Soren." I stated. "I can never be like you. Just let us go." Soren said with a defiant tone. I only chuckled a bit. "And even if i did, where would you go? You can't even fly, let alone fight. But-"

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