Chapter 9 : Under roses is where he rests

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(the next day near the afternoon)

I walk outside under the bright sun onto the beautiful green field filled with students of both genders. I've heard that this class was more different then, but I didn't expect this. I rest my back against a tree with Sophie's letter for Tedros in hand. I still can't wrap around what happened last night. Lee was so sweet and comforting to me. It's hard to think that he's friends with Daniel. Lee must've had long talk with him because they were in that bathroom for a while last night. It's not like I was waiting for him to come out or anything!! *I feel my cheeks turn warm up* Ever since then Daniel haven't bothered me or said anything about Gregor. I don't think he changed though.

I haven't seen much of Tedros all morning. I mean we crossed paths around each other but never talked only glances were shared. This feels so awkward. I thought he was going to talk to today. So why does it feel like he's avoiding me. When he's the one who caressed my cheek in my sleep. Did that moment mean something else to him? *I feel my heartbeat fast as my cheeks start to turn pink heat* Wait! What am I thinking, he called me ''mate'' he was clearly just trying to be friendly. In his own way but never mind that, I got to give him Sophie's letter. As I look around, I notice and hear a group of princesses whisper my name. One in a give me quick glances with a cute smile. I wonder what their saying about me now. I haven't heard any student insult me, that's weird they usually love talking about me to my face. I finally notice from afar Tedros walk close to my direction. I bring the letter close to my beating heart. Are we actually going to talk This Time? I hear little grunts behind me. I look at the tree and I see a weird face forming.

''Get off me!!'' he yells at me, and I run away in shock. He explodes out of the tree with a loud scream. An old man dressed in forest brown, with green hair, elf ears and holding a staff with a blue gem on the tip.

''Who are you?'' I ask in confusion as I try to piece together what he could be.

''I am the Gnome of the blue forest!'' He shouts at me as he stretches his body.

''But I thought gnomes were supposed to be short.'' I reply as I examine his features and proportions.

''And I thought princes were likable.'' He tells me with an angry tone before goes and gather all the students.

''Morning, Reader'' Tedros says. I jump in shock of his close presence.

''Tedros!! God, you scared me.'' I reply as I catch my breath.

''Don't attack me next.'' He teases but I don't indulge this joke as I still feel a little shacky from that event.

''Too soon'' He says as he tries to read my expression.

''yeah'' I reply quickly as I look away with a frown.

''Listen I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. I didn't mean to disregard your feelings like that. You just fought your mate and my behavior towards was inappropriate. I should've known better.'' He responds with a sincere tone. Almost as if this isn't the type of thing he does often. It's nice.

''A lot was going through my head that day. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. So, thanks for understanding'' I answer as I scratch the back of my neck.

''This place can be overwhelming at times. Never seen a prince with so much rage before, quite impressive. Have you heard of the Evers ball it's coming pretty soon. Everyone's going crazy about it. Especially since the new fella showed some unexpected strength yesterday. Guess it'll get easier for you in the.'' He tells me with his dorky smile with his cute Rosie cheeks. I let out a chuckle.

''Oh really, are you worried that I might be taking all your fangirls.'' I tease him with a playful smirk, and he let's out a cute chuckle.

''That's funny but must I remind you, that I'm already quite famous. Number one fairy tale prince and all. So, I got nothing to worry about.'' He says with a cocky tone as he presses his finger on my chest.

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