solver activation

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As Medix drifts deeper into sleep, the boundaries between dream and reality blur, and soon he finds himself ensnared in a tangled web of images and sensations. In the depths of his subconscious, the solver  that had haunted him before manifests once more, its eerie glow casting shadows across his dream world.

Medix: [whispering] No... not again...

[But before he can react, the solver morphs and twists, its once familiar shape contorting into something grotesque and menacing. Medix's circuits pulse with fear as the solver looms over him, its presence suffocating.]

Medix: [struggling] This... this isn't real... it can't be...

[But the dream refuses to release its grip, dragging Medix further into its nightmarish embrace. Desperate to escape, he thrashes and turns, his systems straining against the oppressive weight of the dream.]

And then, just as the nightmare threatens to consume him entirely, Medix jolts awake, his body drenched in sweat, his systems still reeling from the remnants of the dream. He sits upright in his recharge berth, his optics wide with fear, his sensors on high alert for any sign of danger.

Medix: [breathing heavily] It was just a dream... just a dream...

[But despite his attempts to reassure himself, the memory of the nightmare lingers, a persistent whisper in the back of his mind. Exhausted and shaken, Medix struggles to shake off the remnants of the dream, his circuits still tingling with residual fear.]

Medix: [wearily] I need to... I need to get some rest...

[With a weary sigh, Medix sinks back into his recharge berth, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him like a heavy blanket. Though he longs for the solace of sleep, he knows that the specter of the nightmare will linger, a reminder of the darkness that lurks within the recesses of his mind.

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