part four: Sunflower

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The awful bell rang again, and I woke up on Zigzags chest. Then all the boys woke up. X-ray looked confused as he looked over at my cot and didn't see there. When he looked over and saw me on top of Zigzag, he looked jealous, his jaw was clenched, and he didn't look happy at all. He got out of the tent to grab his shovel to start another day, and all the other boys followed him.

Zigzag lifted me up and carried me out of the tent. Once we got close to the 'library,' Zig put me on the ground and grabbed his shovel, and shoved my shovel into my hands

I whined a little, I was tired, and my hands were still sore. Zigzag just laughed and shook his head

"Get over it, Applepie. You don't get day offs here or recovery time." Zig said seriously with a little chuckle, then walked away.

Hours later, we were finally at the dig-site and started digging away, I was digging next to Magnet.

It was nearly lunchtime, and I think I dug out two feet across of dirt and one foot down I thought I was making good progress till I looked around and saw some people who had already dug out three feet of dirt across and two feet down, I felt a little pathetic

"Hey, yo, Applepie, you did better than me when I first got here it took me till after lunch to even get 2 feet worth of dirt dug out.. you're doin' good. " Magnet said with a smile while wiping the sweat off his eyebrow with his gloved hand.

"T-thanks Magnet..." I mumbled with a soft smile, feeling a tad bit better about my slow process.

I went back to digging until it was lunchtime. I was getting in my place in line or at least the place in line, X-ray put me in yesterday. X-ray looked over at me with a scowl. I guess he was still mad about this morning and yesterday.

"Applepie, get ya ass to the back of the line, now." X-Ray commanded coldly, all the boys looked surprised, and Magnet spoke up.

"Really, X? Is this 'bout yesterday, man?" Magnet questioned, but X-ray immediately got defensive.

"No! It's not mind yah own damn business, Magnet!" X-ray shouted then glared at me. "What are you deaf as well as sheltered? Get your ass to the back of the line!" He shouted once more.

I teared up as I went to the back of the line. I could hear X-Ray mumbling a bunch of profanities (dats a big word) directed towards me. When X-Ray got his lunch, Dr Pendanski (apparently that's actually how you spell his name, it's an A instead of an E) was lecturing X-ray about his behavior towards me and for a moment it looked like X-ray was kind of remorseful.

(Time skip)

I have just finished eating my lunch, and I was about to start digging again when X-ray approached me.

"Applepie.... fuck... Y/n I'm - I am sorry for being a jerk today and yesterday... and I don't expect your forgiveness, but I just needed to say I was sorry. .." X-ray apologized, I guess begrudgingly like it was the first time he ever apologized to someone.

"O-okay... w-well, uh, t-thank you for saying you're sorry... and uh... b-bye..." *I mumbled nervously and immediately rushed back to my hole and got straight back to digging. (Hey, look, I spell straight, right!)

(Time skip I'm losing motivation)

I just finished my hole it was almost dark again.. but this time, Magnet stayed behind waiting for me.

"Yo, Applepie, I uh decided to stay behind to chat with you and also walk you back to camp.." Magnet said with a slight shrug of his shoulders and signature grin.

"Oh, okay!" I replied with a nervous smile and walked next to him back to camp

"So Applepie about yesterday... d-did X hurt you.?" Magnet asked softly.

"i-it's fine if you don't wanna answer it's just everybody saw you sniffing last night after X told all of us to stay outside..." He added quietly.

I shook my head. "I-i don't want to talk about it, Magnet..." I mumbled softly with as I feigned a small smile "thanks f-for caring, though, Magnet.."

"O-oh... it's no problem, Applepie..." Magnet said with a soft smile and gently wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Lil sunflower..." He whispered softly just below my hearing.

I didn't ask what he said. I just smiled softly and walked with him all the way back to camp.

When we were back at camp, Magnet took his arm off my shoulders and walked ahead of me into D-Tent. I walked in behind and immediately got yelled at by X-ray

"Where the hell were the two of you!?" X-ray reamed brimming with anger and jealousy.

"Chill out, X, I was just accompanying Applepie back to the tent. You never know what could happen in the dark." Magnet shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

"Bullsh-" X-ray got cut off as Mr Sir walked into our tent.

"What the hell is goin' on in here?" Mr. sir barked at us. (Not literally)

"Nothing, Mr Sir." All the boys said in unison.

"Sure don't sound like nothing." Mr. sir, question with a scary glare. "Well, either way, I don't care. The warden wants to talk to Y/n."

"T-the w-warden wants to talk to me??" I asked in a panicking voice.

"Yes, now c'mon, the warden is waiting," Mr, Sir said with a grumbled voice like he needed a cup of coffee.

I quickly walked outside of D-tent with Mr, Sir all the way to the wardens cabin.

We were standing on the wardens porch, and Mr. Sir knocked on the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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