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The tranquility of their morning was shattered by an urgent knock at the door. Engfa and Charlotte exchanged a worried glance before Engfa went to answer it. Standing there was a familiar face, one of their allies, his expression grim.

"Engfa, Charlotte," he said hurriedly. "Your father... he's demanding you return to his mansion immediately. He says it's a matter of utmost importance."

Engfa felt a chill run down her spine. She had known this confrontation was inevitable, but the suddenness still took her by surprise. "I'll go," she said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

"I'm coming with you," Charlotte insisted, but Engfa shook her head.

"It's too dangerous," Engfa said, her eyes pleading. "If things go wrong, I need to know you're safe."

Charlotte's expression hardened. "No, Engfa. We face this together. I'm not letting you go alone."

Engfa took a deep breath, seeing the unwavering determination in Charlotte's eyes. "Alright. But stay close to me."

The journey to the mansion was tense, the air thick with apprehension. When they arrived, they were met by guards who led them through the grand halls to her father's study. The opulence of the mansion, once familiar, now felt cold and suffocating.

Engfa's father stood as they entered, his presence commanding and his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and concern. "Engfa," he said, his voice echoing through the room. "We need to talk."

"What is it, Father?" Engfa asked, her voice steady but wary.

"I've summoned you here because this cannot continue," he began, his gaze flickering to Charlotte with barely concealed disdain. "You are my daughter, and I will not see you throw your life away for a fleeting human attachment."

Engfa bristled, stepping protectively in front of Charlotte. "This is not a 'fleeting human attachment.' Charlotte is everything to me."

Her father’s eyes hardened. "You don't understand the consequences of your actions. Our kind cannot afford such... distractions."

Engfa clenched her fists, struggling to keep her composure. "Father, this is the best for me. Don't you see it? Charlotte is the best for me."

Her father's face twisted with anger and frustration. "You are blinded by your emotions, Engfa. I am trying to protect you."

Without warning, he signaled to the guards. "Take her to her room," he ordered, his voice cold and unyielding. "She needs time to see reason."

The guards moved forward, and before Engfa could react, they seized her arms. "No!" she shouted, struggling against their grip. "Let me go!"

Charlotte tried to intervene, but one of the guards blocked her path. "Engfa!" she cried, desperation in her voice.

Engfa's father looked at Charlotte with a steely gaze. "You will not come near her again."

Engfa fought against the guards, her heart breaking as she saw the fear and helplessness in Charlotte's eyes. "Charlotte! I love you!" she shouted as they dragged her away. "We'll find a way out of this!"

Charlotte’s eyes filled with tears, but she nodded, determination shining through her sorrow. "I love you, Engfa. Hold on."

The guards took Engfa to her old room, a place that now felt like a prison. They locked the door behind her, and she sank to the floor, her mind racing with thoughts of Charlotte and the promise they had made to each other.

Hours passed, and the mansion grew quiet. Engfa paced the room, formulating a plan. She knew she couldn't stay here, couldn't let her father dictate her life. She had to get back to Charlotte, no matter the cost.

As night fell, Engfa heard a faint knock on her window. She rushed over and saw Nude standing outside, her expression urgent. "Engfa, I've come to help you," she whispered.

"Nude!" Engfa exclaimed, relief flooding her. "We need to get out of here. My father—"

"I know," Nude interrupted, her voice tense. "He's called for reinforcements. We don't have much time."

With Nude's help, Engfa managed to escape the mansion. They made their way through the darkened streets, keeping to the shadows until they reached Charlotte's apartment. Engfa burst through the door, her heart pounding with relief as she saw Charlotte waiting for her.

"Engfa!" Charlotte cried, rushing to her. They embraced tightly, both of them shaking with emotion.

"I'm sorry," Engfa whispered, holding Charlotte close. "I won't let him keep us apart."

Charlotte pulled back slightly, looking into Engfa's eyes. "We'll fight this, together."

Engfa nodded, her resolve strengthening.

The next steps were clear. They had to continue building their coalition, reaching out to more allies and preparing for the inevitable confrontation with her father and those who sided with him. Their love, their bond, would be the beacon guiding them through the darkness.

As they stood together, united in their purpose, Engfa knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side. And with Charlotte by her side, she felt invincible, ready to create a world where their love could thrive against all odds.

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