You Too!?

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Feather led Crimson into the room that they had set up as Feathers room/work place/meeting room. It was complete and utter organized chaos. Sketches of dragons, lists of names, letters with parts on them circled, rough drafts for orders, stock counts, and much more were tacked all over the walls. The table was covered in papers and ink and the floor around it papers scattered in some unknown order. Paperweights were scattered everywhere. There were ink stains in various places across the room, and most of the floor had been cleared to make more room. Her sister's sleeping spot had been shoved in a corner. Despite the mess, their was obviously an order of some sort to everything. Her sleeping area was neat and barely looked touched. Crimson wondered briefly how long it had been since her sister slept. This was most likely the most flammable room she had ever seen. As soon as they were inside Feather grabbed Crimson's talons and said "Now, you have to tell me everything! What have you been doing this whole time? I know your probably wondering the same, or how I'm even alive." The truth was, while she was curious, she didn't care how Feather was alive, just that was alive. Crimson took a deep breath and made her summary as brief as possible. "After you told me to run, I found somewhere safe to hide. They were old tunnels, long abandoned. I learned to fly, to hunt, and even did my best to learn to fight. I didn't have much else to occupy my time." She explained. She then told her about the others, meeting them, and then deciding to try to find allies. She also told her about meeting Queen Glory and their hyperactive guide. "Now, what happened with you? Last time I saw you, you were being captured by Nightwings and now your running an underground rebellion!" "I was actually saved by Spectrum, he's a great friend and a wonderful second in command. I was desperate to find you, but after a long search I realized that you were hidden to well. That's how this whole group started. One dragon desperate to find her baby sister. We made a plan, a name, and then we looked for allies. The Rainwing's are getting better trained and are a fiercer force to be reckoned with than they seem now, they have been training. And the Sandwings... Well, you know Sandwings. We just grew from there. We rescue as many as we can, and recruit any who believe in equality for hybrids. It's a dangerous game we play. But this whole time, I never stopped looking for you. To think I spent four years looking for you, just to have you show up at my doorstep all on your own. Your name was the most spoken one probably, besides mine, in the whole resistance. Every member knew to be on the look out for you. I'm also guessing your the mysterious dragon in the forest that kept rescuing hybrids." Crimson gave her a grin. "Speaking of the Rebellion, I can't believe I forgot this!" She darted to one part of the room, shuffled through some papers, and then pulled something out. She handed Crimson an wooden medallion that looked just like hers and like the ones all the others dragons had been wearing. "It's our symbol." She told her. Crimson slid it over her head and the wood rested against her chest. She held the medallion in her talons and peered down at it. Two dragons intertwined in the center and in words were carved on the raised edge. At the top was engraved 'Rebellion of the Wings'. At the bottom was 'As Hybrids We Stand, as Equals We Fall'. They would stand as hybrids, united, during the rebellion. In the end, whether they won or lost in their fight for equality, they would end as equals. "So what are you planning to do?" Crimson asked. "Well, were going to meet with all the queens, and see if we can work out a peace treaty. Its a long shot and will take a lot of time and negotiating but i think we can do it." Feather told her. "But... I'm actually nervous. What do I do if it doesn't go fine?" "Everything will go fine." Crimson assured her. "How long has it been since you slept?" Feather spent a few second calculating and counting on her talons. "Um... like a week maybe?" "A week?!" Crimson repeated, shocked. "Something like that." "No wonder your jittery. Get some sleep, then worry." "But you just got here." Feather objected. "And I'll still be here when you wake up. But if you fall asleep in the middle of the biggest peace meeting in centuries, I think you'll be getting us nowhere incredibly fast. Not to mention you'll look like an idiot." "Alright, fine." Feather submitted. "But I'm taking care of you next time. And go talk to that ridiculous blue Rainwing." "What?! Why?" Crimson asked. Feather just smiled at her. "Not you too!!!!"

Sorry it's been so long everyone, my kindle wouldn't let me type (as Star_Taker well knows, thanks so much for putting up with all my whining)! But it's fixed now so I can update! Yay!

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