~Melted Love~[🩷❣️🧡🌥?]

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~3rd Person POV~

2023 Summer arrived... No school, nor collage, just relaxing... and Vernias had decided he wanted to move in with TCnick3 for the summer. He took his stuff and moved in with TCnick3 as Nick planned this out. Vernias settled in a room Nick randomly had and didn't know it was there (I think), As he unpacked his things he decide to play video games with nick for a bit... which was toxic like always because Nick is toxic... after that the day/summer was just normal until 2 weeks later on a Saturday afternoon/night...

~Vernias' POV~

As I ended the call with Eevee and Brent,  I was hungry so I got some thing to eat, it was the afternoon anyways... Nick was in his room doing some thing... idk... I went back in my room to watch a lot of Kirby right back at ya until I got bored, I wanted to play some games with Nick so I asked him and he said we could play... so I took my controller and play some games... I don't what we played but I thought it was gonna be fun, there was a part where me and nick had to do some thing and we fell on each other, which was funny... I felt emotions for him... but we were just friends... I knew I was bisexual but we were just friends... right? I felt like I fell in love with him or some thing... idk...

~Nick's POV~

After we played a game of my choice vernias look tired asf... but who cares... I was gonna go get some thing until I notice vernias fell asleep on me... I blushed as I felt flustered... I picked him up and took him to his bedroom and dropped him on his bed... he still was asleep... what was this emotion?... I felt like I loved him but I wasn't gay or anything... still thinking about what just happened I kinda just forgot what I was gonna get...so eh... I just chilled out... my brain still thinking about what just happened but soon I let it go...

~3rd Person POV~ 

Vernias had fallen asleep and brought to his bed while nick is doing stuff... about 2 hours later at 7:22 pm Vernias had woken up while still tired but he got up and watch more kirby right back at ya. 2 hours later at 9:30 pm, Vernias got bored once again and wanted to do stuff with Nick...

~Nick's POV~

Vernias asked me again if we could play video games so I said yes... ig... we played mario party super stars and we picked the cpu's as are friends... Wario and Luigi, I honestly got targeted by Wario for the WHOLE GAME! I Felt like eevee was on the other side tricking and targeting me , Vernias just laughed tho, after I got 3rd and vernias got 1st... STUPID WARIO GOT STUPID 2ND PLACE FOR GOD SAKE! well that was fun... it was like 10:06 pm , it was late but we didn't care.

~Vernias' POV~

I really felt emotions for Nick and I felt like I was in love with him tho... I felt like I was keeping myself in some cage of emotionless feelings and trying to let myself out, I let out a deep sigh to myself... I finally asked him... I could see his face flustered in seconds... after a few seconds pass by... I felt like I was not gonna be friends with him any more and it would turn into an awkward situation... instead he finally confessed his feelings that he liked me back... even tho he never said anything about him being gay... I slowly kissed him on the cheek as we laid down to relax... I felt kind of good after that... soon I fell asleep as Nick did before me...

~Author's Note~

I only did this bc wattpad is full of shippers and I only ship Canon ships and if I didn't all the TCvern3 lovers would attack me and harass me for not doing their favorite ship, I also made this account before I got into the Party crashers and I was supposed to do some Non-Competitional object show on this thing since my ass reads too much FanTube ships/AU but that was scrapped due to no longer interest in object shows anymore... so yeah... and this is what we have today... yay...

Also these one shots are getting longer and they are turning into stories now. Not short stories. 

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