Eddie Munson X Reader - Firestone

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A/N - This chapter was just a little something that came to me, and I then used the song Firestone by Kygo ft Conrad Sewell to help me flesh it out a little bit. I hope you all enjoy it.

You released a deep, exhausted sigh as you shoved your aching feet into your boots, foregoing tying the laces as you shoved your pointe shoes into your backpack, desperate to make an escape from the building before any of the other girls from your class attempted to trap you into small talk. 

It wasn't like you hated them or anything; no, you were perfectly cordial with every single other dancer who came to the sessions. But, the more you got to know them, the more you realised how little you had in common. For the most part, the girls interested in ballet usually avoided the sort of music that you listened to. And when you'd tried to talk about the books you were reading, they'd seemed pretty confused by the mere concept of reading fantasy novels. 

So, more for ease than anything else, you tended to avoid the after-class chatter, making your getaway before any of them could try and make conversation with you.

You were out in the parking lot before any of them had managed to start talking, only stopping when Sophia had basically chased you out into the street. "It's Stephanies birthday on Friday; we're all going out to get food and-" her words drifted off as she glanced behind you. "God, I swear that freak is always hanging out here," she muttered, causing you to glance over your shoulder to find Eddie leaning against the front of his van, head tipped back and eyes closed against the sunshine. 

"Who? Eddie?" you uttered, brow furrowing slightly as you turned your attention back to her. "He works in the arcade; he's probably on break," you pressed on, watching as she rolled her eyes. 

"Oh, and it's just a coincidence that he's always out here on break at the exact time that the class lets out, every single week?"

You snorted with laughter, fighting back an eye roll of your own. "Yeah, that's how breaks work; they're usually scheduled," you told her. You hesitated for a moment as Sophia kept her disapproving glance trained on Eddie. "I won't be able to come out with you guys for Stephanie's birthday; I'll be busy," you pressed on, catching her attention again. 

"I didn't even say when we were going out-"

"Sorry," you added, already moving again in the direction of your car, parked in the shade right next to Eddie's van. "Super busy," you called out over your shoulder, all too aware of the glare now being fixed on you as you tugged the door of the car open, tossing your bag onto the passenger seat. 

You were still in the process of trying to find your hoodie in the back seat when a voice interrupted you. "It was real nice of you to defend my honour like that, Sweetheart," Eddie hummed, causing your head to shoot up, finding him still lounging against the front of the van, eyes still pressed closed.

"Don't mention it-"

"Didn't take you for the ballerina type," he pressed on, finally letting his head tip to the side, his eyes peaking open to look at you. "The get-up looks real cute on you, though," he added softly, sending you a sweet, lopsided smile. 

You finally managed to get your hoodie out of the car, immediately shrugging it on. "I mean, I love it now, but Ballet was my mom's idea; I wanted to take up the drums," you muttered, hesitating for just a second before slamming the door shut, leaning forward with your arms on the top of the car. 

"Oh, now don't get me wrong, Sweetheart; you make a pretty cute dancer, but you'd look like a total goddess behind a drum set," he chuckled, pushing himself up to look at you properly. He grinned as he came to lean on the roof of your car opposite you. "Scratch that," he hummed. "You look like a total goddess all the time."

You rolled your eyes, standing up a little straighter. "You're an idiot."

"Yeah," he agreed softly, his tongue running over his bottom lip. "But I've got two eyes that work perfectly well, and I know a pretty girl when I see one."

A soft snort slipped out of you at his comment, and you shook your head as you climbed into your car. "See you around, Munson."

"Can't wait, Sweetheart," he called after you, sauntering back over to the front of the van to resume his break.

*VERY Large Time Skip*

"God, I swear these dance moms get worse every week," you grumbled, shuffling in closer to your husband and burrowing your head into his shoulder. "I know she loves it, but the chaperoning is killing me," you pressed on, letting out a soft sigh when he lifted your head to give you a quick kiss. 

"Oh Sweetheart," he hummed softly. "It's fine; I'll take her," he added. 

"Ed, you don't even know how to do up her shoes-"

He shrugged slightly, still half-wrapped around you. "You can teach me."

You hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure?"

"Positive, Baby," he agreed, his smile only growing. "Besides, I think the other parents will dig my sweet tatties," he teased, nodding to his arm, where his little ballerina tattoo was on full display. "And then I get to tell them all about my incredibly beautiful wife who inspired it."

"You're an idiot-"

"Yeah, but I've got two eyes that work perfectly well and I know a beautiful woman when I see one," he hummed, grinning when you rolled your eyes at the same joke he'd made a thousand times since you'd started dating 12 years ago. 

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