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        Before I died, I handed the bloodied knife to the masked man crouched next to my debilitated body. He accepted the weapon by the polished bone before cradling my limp head in his arms. I was shaking, feverishly, from both the brutal agony and the situation in itself. A few minutes prior to my actions, I had contacted the police via cell phone and gave them the necessary information for them to reach my home. It would be moments before they would arrive to my freshly deceased remains.

                Earlier in my supremacy I had expected a traditional memorial service for when I departed this life, as it was obligatory for a being with such blood like I--but to die like this, in a soiled kitchen of a shady apartment complex at the corner of Herringbone and Fleming,  I never expected. However, one should not be so choosy with Death. Death picks its victims carefully with adroit practice. In some cases, like this one for example, it is you who chooses Death.

            Shards of pain pulsated through my wound, like electric currents incessantly coursing throughout my veins.  I let out an exasperated breath while I struggled to regain some sort of posture that would loosen the tightening aches. As I writhed uncomfortably in my captor's arms, I caught him staring at me intently with a feeling I couldn't quite put a finger on. Pity? Regret? It was in that moment where I remembered why, why I loved him so dearly. His eyes, they were a soft hazel, with a brown undertone and flecks of green that shimmered quite radiantly under the harsh ceiling lights that illuminated the room. They say that the eyes are a window to the soul. It's safe for me to say in that moment, our souls had intertwined, sparked, and danced across the abyss of everlasting existence. I still wasn't sure what emotion he was exhibiting, but I knew for sure that it was some sort of degree of affection.

            There was a sudden series of knocks on the front door some rooms away. The spark of our souls ended abruptly, and, just like a breath being drawn out of me, I was gone. The last thing I saw was his soft hazel eyes.


On the night of June 14th, a 25-year old man was arrested for manslaughter and attempted murder.

2 months after his arrest, he was to be hanged for his crimes.

Preceding his death sentence, the prisoner was reported missing from his cell.

He is still nowhere to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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