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It wasn't like I was a mean person. I didn't want to hurt anyone, or give off the wrong impression. But I knew more than people thought, and used it to my advantage. Some people's secrets could ruin them, and others would likely destroy any close relationships. It's all written in my notebook, accompanied by evidence, waiting for the time I can use my knowledge for my benefit.
I was listening to music during lunch, or so it looked like. I made sure I looked entranced by the music, but I was really watching Red draw. Red doesn't draw normal things you'd expect.
As of now, she was drawing a two anime girls kissing.
"Hey Red! Hey Wendy!" Bebe says as she sits next to Red. Red quickly signs her name on the picture before folding it and setting it between her leg and mine. Perfect. I snatch the drawing and slide it into my purse. Why is this drawing that bad?
Knowing Red's parents, they'd disown her. The drawings  would get on her homophobic family's nerves.
"Clyde bought me chocolates today!" Bebe squealed, her blonde hair bouncing as she shakes with excitement. I put on my best fake smile.
  Bebe's boyfriend hooks up with Heidi Turner in private. But Bebe isn't exactly loyal either
"Well,  I have to go, Bebe you're so lucky!" I got up, dumped my tray before setting it on the pile of others above the trash can. I couldn't watch my best friend be strung further into a web of lies. Luckily I have dirt on Clyde.

"Um, Clyde, can I talk to you for a second?"
The brunette full who was so full himself it disgusted me turned to me with his million dollar smile.
"Hey, Wendy, what's up?"
I give him my coldest, hardest, glare.
"You either stop hooking up with Heidi, or dump Bebe, you pathetic bastard."
His face switched from the carefree goof everyone knew to a cold stare you get from a business man with a stick up his ass.
"Wendy mind your own business. That is not your problem, so stay out of it." Clyde hissed narrowing his eyes.
"No Clyde I will not! You're messing with my best friend, that makes it my problem! Like or not, I will not let you break her heart." He's not getting off the hook that easy.
Clyde scoffed and turned around. I gripped his shoulder and spun him back around, getting in his chubby face.
"You either stop,or tell her. Because if you don't I will."
I shove him away, sticking my purple nail in his chest. I hear the bell and walk to my next class.
Clyde Donovan-Harris: Hooking up with Heidi Turner behind his girlfriends back. (Also friend zoning Craig). He has a fake ID.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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