Chapter 3 - Gallery

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It turns out the fuel can I picked up was almost empty, because we found ourselves running out pretty quickly

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It turns out the fuel can I picked up was almost empty, because we found ourselves running out pretty quickly. To make matters worse, we stopped in the middle of the city. A group of "monsters" (as Doggy calls them) surrounded our car.

"We're out of gas, and completely surrounded!" Doggy exclaimed, slightly frighten from the monsters. Without no choice, I eventually spotted a nearby building, the Gallery. "Quick! Let's hide in the art gallery!" I exclaimed. 

I haven't been here since we started investigating a reported robbery last month. It seemed to be a little run-down, as well. We rushed into the gallery and sealed the building from the monsters. 

In the Gallery, me and Doggy were safe. I thought, "Some of those monsters looked familiar..." The monsters that surrounded us earlier were different. But where did these monsters come from? Did they come from another dimension, or someone made them to look like this? 

After thinking about the monsters, I took a walk for a while, but I discovered that there was a monster inside. I realize that one of the monsters entered as well. I quickly rushed to Doggy to tell him about the monster that entered inside. 

"Doggy! One of the monsters entered, and we need to unseal the door to escape!" I exclaimed. "Wait, one of the monsters entered? So that means... we have to unseal the door so we can escape!" Doggy responded. Since we sealed the door, how did monster entered the place? 

I begin to search for the items that we used to seal the door, while the monster chased me around. I found a bone and give to Doggy as a weapon for him.

As I found the white key to unseal another door, I was caught by the monster

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As I found the white key to unseal another door, I was caught by the monster. I was cornered, and trapped. Just as the monster is about to kill me, Doggy rescues me by hitting the monster with his bone. 

"Doggy, thank you saving me from that monster." I thanked, getting saved. "I saved you. And now, we have to unlock the other sealed door to escape the gallery." said Doggy, telling me to escape together. 

I unlock the seal door, and escape with Doggy from the Gallery

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I unlock the seal door, and escape with Doggy from the Gallery. After escaping, we had a little chat in an alleyway. "They just don't stop coming after us, do they?" I questioned to Doggy. He responded, "I don't get it. But hey, it's nothing we can't handle." 

"After all, remember when we made that arrest in the alley, way before this?" Doggy asked. I stated "Yeah, but we weren't arresting these... monsters! They don't do anything but kill us." Then Doggy said, "Listen, Miguel. You're a good person. Even in desperate times, you held onto your morality." We then have a conversation about not letting the world change who you are.

"It's the people like you that succeed. As long as you stay who you are, you'll get to where you need to be." Then I said, "You're right Doggy. I can't let this situation make me lose sight of who I am." Doggy said, "Good! Now, let's find someplace safe. We'll have time to think of what to do." "Sounds like a plan." I accepted, choosing Doggy's plan. 

We then walk away from the Gallery, and begin to look for safety. It was very strange to see a place, once so calm, become so chaotic. Doggy told me he didn't like galleries anyways. 

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