Chapter 11

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- Close your eyes, Lily. We are almost here. Marcus nearly whispered in my ear. I did as he said, and soon I felt his hands leaving my waist and covering my eyes, to make sure I REALLY didn't see anything. I knew I was going to treasure this moment forever, with Marcus by my side. The wind in my hair, Marcus walking slowly so I wouldn't hit anything. 

 - Open your eyes princess. I shivered when I felt his hot breath on my neck. When I opened my eyes, I felt like the luckiest girl alive. In front of me I saw the beach, the sea, and in front of it a small picknick. Those kind of moments made me fall for Marcus every second I spent with him. 

- I- Oh my god Marcus. You did all of this for ME? I really don't deserve you.I turned red as a tomato, still trying to take in what Marcus had prepared. 

- I wanted our first date to be special, just like you. This boy was impossible. 

- But Marcus. Let's be real. I don't deserve you. You are this fantastic boy, don't forget that you're famous. I am just... a normal girl. Not famous, not pretty. I'm just... me. The last couple words were almost impossible to hear, but Marcus heard. He took my much smaller hand in his, and looked at me. 

- Baby, you are my only one. Not just YOU. YOU are MINE, and mine only. All of your secrets are safe with me. All of your thoughts about harm or death, you can share with me. I know you were in a toxic household, especially with your dad. I want you to know that you are safe with me. Not only are you the person I care about, if you weren't here, I propably would be dead. I owe my life to you, Lily. My eyes teared up with every second Marcus was speaking. He mentioned my toxic father, and that I was safe with him. I didn't feel safe, because I knew that sooner or later my dad would come looking after me. 

- Lily please don't cry. I brought you here to break free from the house. 

- I-I'm sorry! I just can't stand the thought of having to lose you because you are famous, or because my dad will come looking for me! I was hysterical, practically screaming at Marcus. My body was shaking, tears were flooding my eyes. I was scared to death of what the future had in stock for me.  

- Come here, Marcus said. Before I even knew it, I crashed in his arms and slowly started to relax. He was gently stroking my hair, telling me that everything will be okay over and over again.

When I finally calmed myself enough to get out of Marcus' grip, I looked over at the picknick set up. It was gorgeous. Candles, a blanket, food and drinks. I thought I was worthless, meant nothing to him. That he was playing with me, but that sweet gesture made me change my mind.  

- I love you. I whispered, while smiling. We walked over to the blanket and sat down. The sunset was gorgeous, almost like a pastel rainbow. 

- Is the sunset hotter than me, princess? Marcus smirked. 

- Good question. Maybe. I giggled, and Marcus pretended to be schocked. 

- HoW dArE yOu? He laughed. He started tickling me and I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. For a minute I forgot how stressful life was. I forgot about my dad, my problems, and focused on Marcus.  

- Okay I can't breathe now STOPPPPPPPP!! I screamed, my voice still full of laughter. Marcus stopped and gazed into my eyes with his. He helped me sit up, and quickly kissed me. I nervously looked around to make sure no one was watching. His fans would hate me if they found out he had a girlfriend. 

- Lil no one is going to see us, don't worry. 

- I know Marcus, but I'm just worried that this will be leaked. I will be showered with hate if anyone finds out. For the record, I don't really think I'm ready to make it public yet. I was sure Marcus would hate me after what I said, but he just looked at me with a slight smile forming on his lips. 

- It's okay! We'll announce it when you are ready. Obviously I want the world to know that you are mine, but it's okay if you want to wait. I understand. 

- Okay yeah beautiful speech Marcus, BUT let's eat before it gets fully dark. I giggled a little. Gosh, sometimes Marcus' words made me cringe a little. It almost felt like he was being too nice for it all to be true. 

We spent a great time at the beach eating, laughing, holding hands and taking pictures. It was already dark when we were making our way back home. I had always been afraid of the dark, especially if I was only with one person, or by myself. Without realising I squished Marcus' hand so tight that he screamed a little. 

- You act like a little girl, Marcus Gunnarsen. Can you not tolerate a little pain? I was making fun of him. 

- I'm not the one who is scared of the dark. But yeah I can't tolerate pain, especially not the pain of my girlfriend being scared. He put his arms around my shoulders as we arrived to the house. When we entered we heard shouting coming from the kitchen. 

- HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME? I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK, ANNE! WHERE IS SHE? I WILL CALL THE POLICE IF YOU DON'T TELL ME! I froze. This was the voice I didn't want to hear ever again. 

My dad. 

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