Moving on.

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"I love you, Victor. But you are not mine."
-Emily the Corpse Bride

This is now true.
As for I will no longer beg their attention,
It's time to move on.
I will not be able to wipe their tears,
Nor be there for them anymore.
As much as I hate to,
But I have to let go.

They'll forever be the subject of this book,
A book that'll barely have new things.
Nothing more but love and deep sorrows.
As much as this is hard for me to swallow,
I have to move on.
They probably had found another me,
The one who is better, more talented, and a lot less clingy than I am.

It'll by chance they'll contact me again,
But I'll doubt it to be so.
Now, this stage, this will be my final stand in their life.

"It's time to say goodbye. Time to take my final bow of the last part on their stage about their life. Farewell, to the past us." I'd say as I took my final bow.

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