Chapter two-looking through the glass

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Looking out the window seeing the beautiful scenery hearing hope make a noise in her sleep I turn my head and walk towards her room looking at her sleeping form i turn my body and lean on the door frame I hear Camille walk outside where Elijah was talking to Klaus " you brought her there she can't go back to her house or to her old life she could tell everyone about how I have a daughter " Klaus says seriously to Elijah who inhaled deeply I walk towards her crib and gently rub her cheek " looks like you'll see a lot more of me little one " I whisper softly and tune out their conversation and just stare at hope with tenderness hearing someone walk in I turn my head to see it was Camille " you look like you've been through a lot for someone so young " she says I smile softly with a soft chuckle turning fully to her " you're a therapist or something " I asked softly she smiled and nodded her head I began walking to her then pass her walking into the living room and sat down on the couch as she sat down on a chair " what are you I can sense you not human been around supernatural creatures long enough to sense when I come across one " she says curiously I see Elijah walk in I glance at him then back to Camille I sit more up and sigh softly feeling a tear roll down my cheek Camille frown softly with a oh Hunny look " nine years ago I died saving my little sister Elena then I didn't know at the time but me dying awoken something in me and turned me into something entirely else because of the extremely special blood that runs through my veins  " I say seriously seeing Camille sit more up with a curious expression Elijah walks more in 

I inhale deeply my eyes snapping open breathing heavily sitting up I look around seeing how I was surrounded by werewolves who were looking at me in complete confusion looking at them in anger "You will not harm Elena "I growl out they back away in shock and then I killed one with such speed that even shocked me I gasp and look up

I lend against the couch and look to her seeing she had a face of horror Apon hearing how I died " I'm Also a Petrova Doppelganger but one that isn't known and is extremely rare that only happens once every one thousand and nine hundred years her name is Sonja the original one who was born a vampire of an entirely different species " I say with a nod seeing both their faces go to one of shock Camille sat up more and turned her head to Elijah seeing if he knew anything which he didn't and he looked at me then to her  " wait so you're a vampire of a whole different species " Camille says shocked I look at her and nodded my head she let out a shocked gasp as Elijah made an even more shocked face " there is an entirely different species of vampires that are much older and far more powerful than the original vampires " I say standing up they both looked even more shocked I walk to the window moving the curtain letting the sun hit me knowing it won't do anything " a Hungarian nobleman born by the name of Alexander Corvinus at an unspecified point in 201 BC . The patriarch of the Corvinus clan, Corvinus was able to survive a devastating plague that wiped out most of his village thanks to a genetic quirk. The plague caused rapid cell division in its hosts, and Alexander's immune system fought back by altering the virus. This resulted in his body completely stopping all cell deterioration, giving the universe its first immortal. that wasn't created by a spell "I say and hear Camille gasp and stand up turning my head to see she looked completely shocked. I glanced at Elijah seeing he looked completely shocked as well "The genetic anomaly was aptly named The Corvinus Strain. Within Alexander it still possessed the ability to mutate, manifested in the gene fusion that occurred in his children. In 202 BC, Alexander's wife gave birth to three sons. Their son, William, was bitten by a rabid wolf and the strain mutated him into the first ever Lycan which is completely different from what y'all know as werewolves "I say seriously seeing Camille slowly sat back down taking in this information while Elijah's eyes widen even further as he takes the information in " William's twin, of Marcus, was bitten by a rabid bat, which mutated him into the first vampire. The third son, unnamed, carried the gene recessively and lived as an immortal, passing the strain down through his bloodline. He found a lovely human married her name was Tatia Petrova one thousand years ago " I say seeing Elijah step back slightly I glance at him curiously wondering if that's the Tatia he said I resemble he looked at me as I look at him " they have a child and his genes were passed down the years until me a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus that carried the genetic mutation " I say and was about to go on but then watch as Elijah stumbled back then falls in a millisecond I was next to him before he fell Camille let out a shocked gasped " you move way faster than them " she says in shock I turn to her with a not now look she quickly nodded her head I go into his mind and look around to see I was in a room seeing a stag head a fox a wolf and a bore on the wall above chairs I look around the one to see a man look at me in shock " how did you get here " he says in complete shock and wonder he tiled his head with a curious look on his face " you are extremely powerful far more powerful than anything I've ever felt you certainly are powerful to somehow manage to come here " the man said slowly while walking towards me I see Elijah and Klaus turn to me and another guy turn to me with a confused look I turn to the man as he was about to grab me but then I got out of Elijah's mind and inhale deeply lifting my hands from his head " someone has him and Klaus and someone else as well " I say quickly standing up looking at Camille she looked shocked and worried looking down to him I pick him up and place him onto the couch walk to hope's room and gently pick her up and began rocking her while I walk back to the living room and see Elijah inhale deeply I hand hope to Camille and walk to him he sat up and collided with my head I wince and rub my head feeling it heal instantly Elijah looked up to me and I look at him " are you alright what was that Elijah " I say curiously he slowly sat up more looking at me with worry as if I just got more into something that I didn't know causing me to tilt my head " how did you do that " he asked shocked I look at him and sat down on the floor he watched me as I do looking at him curiously " I went into your mind I wanted to see what had happened " I say curiously he slowly stood up I watch as he did and stand up as well he looked at me even more confused 

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