Chapter 12

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Pov: Ayat's Dream

"Darling! Ayat darling, look what I bought for you?" my beloved father called out with excitement from the living room. My seven-year-old feet sprinted and leapt into his arms, enveloped in his warmth and affection, with soft giggles reverberating through the vast marbled mansion. "See, I told you, a father never forgets his daughter's wish!" Dad exclaimed with joy, extending his hands towards me, holding those delicate chrysanthemums. "Yay, Dad, I love them," I beamed with delight, wishing this moment could stretch into eternity. "How dare you bring these funeral flowers!" Mother shouted at Father in anguish, crushing all those fragile blossoms under her red bottoms. "I hope you pay less attention to her wishes." She didn't pose it as a suggestion, it was a command, treating my father as if he were a mere beggar surviving on her leftovers.

Pov: Ayat (Back to Reality)

I woke up in a daze, the memories from last night and the relentless flashbacks of the past swirling in my mind. I couldn't think straight the entire night. Silence filled the car, his unwavering smile, the sweet yet ghostly aroma of chrysanthemums, and my eyes roving over his face, seeking answers. Why did he bring my favorite flowers, knowing they are meant for the deceased? Why does he pick me up and drop me home? Why do I feel at peace when he's around? I shouldn't, right? "Do you want to stop somewhere?" he asked, glancing at me and lowering his gaze.

"Nowhere, why did you ask?" I replied in a low tone, suppressing all those questions within me. "You have been staring at me the whole ride, thought you might have something to ask," he said, accusing me. I mean, who wouldn't stare at a masterpiece? "I did want to ask you something," I said, as if I had the courage to confront him. Why am I being so gentle? I am going home. I should be the one choosing my transportation, not him. I can't even be firm with him. Summoning all the confidence and strength left in my body, I asked, "Why do you always give me a ride home and back? I seriously don't need your pity. I make enough money for your information!" I blurted out, not considering the consequences, hurling those words at him. His eyes widened with a flash of anger.

"I have no reason to pity you, nor do I think you don't make enough. I was merely returning a favor, but it seems like it's not sitting well with you," he said with a tight-lipped smile, but his eyes told a different story. He was clearly irritated, I could tell. He kept poking his cheeks with his tongue. Was he mad? We finally reached my place. He got out and opened the door for me. A gentleman remains gentle even in anger. I kept walking towards the house. I wanted to apologize, but silence greeted me. He left. That's what happened last night.

To clear my mind, I found myself in the familiar old place, a racetrack. "Vernon! Where are you, sir?" An old man in his 60s, I consider him a bestie. He thinks I am his lost daughter. I visit him less frequently now. He knows everything about me. He helped me find Father William and Clara. "Looks like the traitor has returned home, huh!" He appeared from behind, tapping me with his walking stick. "Do you think of me at all? I raised you, not that William. He spoiled you." He continued his soft nagging. "Hey, don't say that. I'm here now, though. I see you got some new cars, huh?" I said, eyeing the McLaren 765LT, Chevrolet Camaro, Corvette, some Porsches, and many more.

"Would you like my suggestion to get the BMW M3 GTR for yourself?" he said with a smile. I smirked back, "Obviously!" Let's get ready. I prepared to sit inside. It's been a while since I drove something. "Are we ready, Miss Noor?" "I was born ready." I took the wheel. I love the adrenaline rush. My eyes struggled to keep up with the speed. All this made me forget everything, just like how it started. People seek peace in tranquil places; this is my sanctuary. "How was it? Fun?" Vernon asked after my three laps. "Yes, thank you so much," I said, brimming with glee. I felt at home here. "You still smile like the girl who came to me to sell a sports car when she was 13. You were all pale, clad in wet clothes, bruised all over your hands and face-" Vernon rambled on. "Hey Vernon, I need to go now!" I said, packing my things up.

Pov: Ehaan

"A bouquet of chrysanthemums, please!" I requested the florist, selecting the perfect ones from the bunch. "So, who died? My condolences," the shopkeeper said, leaving me stunned. For some reason, these beautiful flowers have become a curse. "No one died, fortunately. I am taking these for my girl," I said, leaving the shopkeeper with a more horrified expression. I really want to understand how people turn paradise into torment. "I am finally here." Talking to myself didn't last long as her silhouette appeared. The sky brightened with her presence, hoping she would appreciate these flowers.

I found myself under intense scrutiny from her. I thought she was merely gazing, but her questions caught me off guard. I didn't think she would see me that way, yet she did. I was infuriated by how she could interpret my gestures of kindness and love as mere sympathy. Just pity. Who am I to pity her? I was hurt, but I couldn't sit in my car in peace until I saw the light from afar. I knew she was more upset, so I left the moment she got off, waiting nearby until she got in safely. I do all this, and she calls it pity.


How rude! "PITY!?!" I thought out loud. "Ehaan, are you fine?" Sumaiya shouted from afar as I was deep in thought, changing my clothes. "Yes! I am fine." "Of course you are," a soft, honey-like voice came from behind. "You must be happy, you met Ayat after all." This little mischievous angel. "Princess, you should knock before you enter," I said to my niece, who took some playful steps and jumped on the bed to match my height. "Why should I? You were betraying me, though." She was all sulky and puffed like a balloon. "How did you get that idea, princess?" I asked, holding her in my arms. "How? It's so obvious. You come home late and leave early. You even smell like her." Her words made me realize how everyone could see my efforts, but my dear Ayat saw only sympathy.

Hey guys, im a back with more chapters  heheheh. Hope you enjoy this chapter. And please read from the first if you can there are few changes and let me know. Follow, share, comment and vote. (●ˇ∀ˇ●)

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