Chapter 3

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disclaimer: lots of blood and gore in the scene and it might be disturbing for some people! this book will be disturbing so if you can't handle, don't read! xoxoxo
After driving for what seems like five minutes, I finally arrive home. I park my car in the driveway and stare up at the little country town styled house. This is it. As soon as I walk into that door, I know I'll be dead meat. I'll be chewed up, spit out and then kicked out.

I sigh heavily to myself and grab my belongings. This isn't going to be easy, at all. I step out of the car and slam the door, locking it behind me. I walk up to the stairs and stand on the porch. I take a few deep breaths and slowly twist the doorknob to the front door.

I walk into the house quickly but carefully. I just want to get this over with. The sooner, the better I guess.
I step onto the wooden floor and carefully close the door behind me, looking around. Looks like no ones here. The house is empty, mother probably went to the market to go get food. Food I wouldn't be eating because well, I'm getting kicked out. Father certainly isn't here, he doesn't get off of work for another twenty minutes.

"I should start to pack my things." I quietly mumble to myself as I kick off my shoes and begin to walk up the steps to my room. This was too much for me. Where was I going to go? Tears begin to flood my eyes and suddenly I hear the door downstairs. I'm sure it's mother. Truth is, I don't want to see her and not just because I'm still unemployed. She slapped me and I will never forget how that felt. It was emotional for me and I don't want to look at her, let alone talk to her.

"Leah? I saw your car in the drive way, are you home?" She yells from downstairs.

I sigh loudly, I know there is no way I can get out of here without talking to her. I have no other option.

"Yeah!" I simply yell back.

"Come down here so we can talk!" She yells back one more time.

I sigh for the millionth time today and head down the stairs hitting the cold floor at the bottom. I walk into the kitchen where I see my mother putting away the groceries and humming to the same tune she was this morning. I quietly walk up to her and tap on her shoulder. She becomes startled and jumps out of my reach.

"Oh, Leah.." She says putting her hand over her heart. "You scared me." She says giggling a soft giggle and puts the bread on the counter. "So, how was your day?" She asks, continuing the conversation.

"I've had better days." I say looking down at the brown wooden floorboards. My strategy was to keep it simple and not get into much detail.

"How did the interview go? Did you get the job?" She asks opening the fridge, putting the carton of milk inside.

This is it. The question that I have been trying to avoid. I didn't do so well at avoiding it, now did I?

"I-I didn't get the job." I say bluntly staring at my mother waiting for her reaction.

My mother whips her head around and glares at me with her dark green eyes. Before she can say anything, I hear the front door open, I turn to see my father standing there looking at the both of us and smiling a wide grin.

"How are my two girls?" He asks closing the door and walking towards us. That's the thing about my dad. He's nice, understanding and funny, three things my mother isn't. I guess I'm a daddy's girl but to be fair he is way more understanding than my mother.

He walks over to us and consumes us in a group hug. He releases his tight grip and looks at both of us waiting for an answer.

"Well one of your 'girls' won't be living here anymore." My mother replies nonchalantly. She glares at me with a death stare and snarls.

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