Min Jun's Cloth

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"That's right, let's go focus to the Min Jun the so called emperor first."

Jin Seok searched through the internet. He saw some paragraphs.. legends and opinions about him.

But he didn't saw a drawn or a picture of Min Jun before. But as he remembered, Yeon Hwa and his family had Min Jun's face painted on it.

He quickly thought..
"Could it be possible that- THAT PAINTING is directly painted by the hands of someone who truly known Min Jun personally AND WAS ORIGINAL."

He was shocked, but it doesn't stop him. It only flamed his interest with Min Jun.

"Why haven't it got through the internet yet? Do they keep it as a secret?..

As he delved deeper into his investigation, Jin Seok couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Min Jun's story than met the eye. Perhaps the secrecy surrounding the painting held the key to unraveling the truth behind the legend of the emperor.

It was so long he researched for more information about Min Jun, but he found nothing.

"I thought he was well known? Maybe the people already forgot him."

But then-- he stumbled across the internet the museum containing the artifacts.. informations about a royal family in a Joseon era.

With newfound determination, Jin Seok hastily made arrangements for his trip to the museum housing artifacts from the Joseon era. Hoping it would contain informations about Min Jun.


May 20, 2018

The trip to museum date is today.

Jin Seok is so exited that today.. might uncover the mystery about his dreams and the coincidences of weirdly may be actually connected to each other.

However he didn't prove it yet.


With each step into the museum. He thought that every artifact, every exhibit held the potential to unravel the mystery that had consumed his thoughts for so long.

As he approached the section dedicated to the Joseon era, Jin Seok's heart pounded in his chest. This was he moment he had been waiting for. With trembling hands, he reached out to touch the artifacts, as if seeking a connection to the past.

As he stepped through the room, a heavy feeling.. with every step. It's like something's stopping him.

He saw the clothing of once people in a royal family.

until he saw this one piece of clothe.

That cloth seems to stand out in every clothing. It was a man's cloth.

As he stared through the garment his heart started pounding hard. The fabric seems to hide a long history buried beneath.

The nightmare played back, the clothes in his eyes were covered. Again, with blood.

He tries to stare at it and fight it as long as he can, as if he wanted to feel something more about it.

But his knees felt weak,
when Jin Seok is about to fell down on his knees.

"Oh sir! This one is owned by Min Jun"

The museum's attendant pierced through his fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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