Chapter 2 - Upcoming tea party

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AN: I wanna share this really cool website on google that helps you find synonyms for words, its called wordhippo, so if your having trouble looking for synonyms then this website is perfect for you, it helped me make this chapter and taught me some meaning of words. So please go check it out. Thank you.

Also this chapter is pretty short.
Anyways, enjoy! :)


Harry stepped closer cautiously, marveling at the sight of a certain


Two!.. two intruders.

"Fred? George?" Harry exclaimed in disbelief, eyes widening in shock.

"Well, if it isn't a new face!" Fred voiced merrily at their discovery.

"And who might you be young sir?" George executed a dramatic bow, his movements fluid and graceful, as though he were performing on a grand stage before an enraptured audience.

Harry pondered why he continually encountered his friend's alter ego, though he found himself not entirely against the idea. This unexpected twist promised potential amusement.

"Uh, I'm," Harry stammered, attempting to conceal his true identity. "Harry... err, son."

"Harrison." Harry tardily declared.



"Did you just lie?" Fred raised his eyebrow.

"Well... It's better than nothing, right?" Harry glanced everywhere but the twins penetrating gaze, purposely avoiding it, too flustered by the fact he got caught lying like a 7 year old after their parents captured them trying to steal sweets from the pantry.

" 'Harrison', you say?"

"Well, it's a pleasure-"

"To make your acquaintance,"

" 'Harrison.' " they said in unison, Harry will never not be astonished how sync the twins are, carrying off each other's sentence with perfection.

"So, you know our names huh?"

"Er- well, it's-"

"It's no surprise that someone recognises us brother, business is booming, it's quite famous amongst youngsters." George said, cutting Harry off his possible response.

"Ah yes, you must've heard about our endeavours."

"I-im sorry, but what are you talking about?" With a furrowed brow and a hint of confusion in his voice, it was starting to get overwhelming.

"Our Joke Shop, popular for its mischievous products, of course! There's no better place to purchase high quality prank kits!" Fred announced proudly.

"I see.... Well it's been nice meeting you, uh, sir Fred and sir George."

"Please, just call us Fred and George." They insisted.

"You've both been really helpful,"

"It is our utmost pleasure to be at your service, 'Harrison'." George said with a polite nod, his voice carrying an air of deference.

"-but i must be going now, goodbye." Harry dismissed with a weary sigh, wanting to be left alone. Yet, the twins had different plans in mind.

His path was blocked by the two tall figures. "Bidding farewell so soon? Haha not so fast my friend."

"You honestly look lost, did you know that? If i didn't know any better i'd say you're from the rabbit hole."

"Rabbit, what now?" Harry exclaimed, his confusion mounting with each twist in the conversation, finding it increasingly complex to understand.

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